served 84 minutes? she should be able to put herself into rehab. [ talking over each other ] sean: look, i think there comes a point james that these girls risk death. it seems to me she is a woman not a girl. sean: so shocked there is another celebrity death out there. in every case you can see there was a lead-up to the incident where they ultimately something horrible or tragic happens. seems preventable. i guess that is right. this is beyond my expertise. before tonight if you mentioned the name lindsay lohan i would have thought were you talking about the senior senator for south carolina. sean: that is that [ talking over each other ]
profiling than protecting our borders. i mean, look, i feel like it s us, meaning arizona, against them. they are suing the state of arizona for protecting their borders. . well, this lawsuit doesn t raise the raicialght profiling issue. that suggests they don t even have a case there which by the way, which is what all their public statements were about. right. that was before they read the law. but they are making the allegation that the arizona law preempts federal law so it s a challenge to federal authority over immigration. let me just finish all right, the arizona law very closely tracks federal law. so what the obama administration seems to be asserts is that the federal government has the authority to exercise the discretion, not to enforce federal law. that s a difficult arguement to make in court. do you not think, look, arizona s going to have to spend money, governor jan brewer is trying to raise money to disfd this lawsuit. this is our government coming
down on arizona for defending their basic right to protect the border. are we dealing with a bigger picture here? that is how the justice department is politicized to an extent we haven t seen before. the latest example, if a department of justice official quit over the black panman case, remember philadelphia polling place, guys with the baton. the new black panther party. white cracker, their intimidation efforts. at the poll. they have the conviction because they never showed up. the default judgment. and the only thing they needed to do was sentence them. and there were orders from the top down to drop the case. they didn t even prosecute them. well, look, they were starting to with a default judgment. this is another reason why i say that the department of justice has been politicized. and this is a department of double standards. can you imagine if you had
administration that pushed the federal court to reverse a ruling that prohibited drilling in the gulf. it is a little frustrating. the other thing is when the obama administration announced in march their new plan to expand offshore drilling, they been in office well over a year. they time to analyze the safety issues, the history seen on. not only is the case of this lawsuit they time to make a decision. they obviously made a decision they thought was right. now it is being questioned. i think it is funny for them to be trying to pin the blame back on bush when these decisions were made clearly by them with obvious interests in mind. sean: they missed inspections at the deep water horizon rig. they didn t do them they were supposed to. regulators from the obama administration in many ways were in the pocket of big oil although i hate that term, inasmuch as they were receiving gifts. they also gave the deep water
they may get it. sean: i agree, except i think it would be accelerated and faster than you predict. the republicans will be under a lot of pressure as well. not only is the administration going to face that whole delegations, california delegation, 47 people or something, they are going to be under pressure to try to help as well. the republicans are under pressure to go along with tax increases as a way of cutting the deficit. they should not, they should be the party of growth. we ll see if they have the stomach. sean: well said. thanks. 119 days the world can change. yes, it can. sean: thanks for being with us. plenty more hannity straight ahead. the administration prepares to take arizona to court. will its case stand up? wall street revolts again the democratic party. plus, oil washes up on land in the state of texas and reports say miami and the florida keys are next.