the army. so, that time lean i think is the big piece of the plot that this just gave us. some other new things, in the old indictment, in the october diernlths mueller s team said that rick gates and paul manafort laundered $18 million the new indictment, they say it wasn t $18 million they laundered. it was $30 million. so a lot more. where d they get the information on the additional $30 million? i don t know. there has been speculation and reporting any new charges or allegations against manafort, in plarks would come because rick gates was pleading guilty. he was providing everyday against his old business partner paul manafort. this new indictment does have 18 new charges against paul manafort. they got 23 new charges against rick gates. there is no sign from a new guilty plea from rick gates. now, there is new drama about
but it s kind of a failing scramble. now, there are legal questions to get through here. we ll get some help with those. but the plot line question to get through is for me it s been a sticky question from the very beginning. why was paul manafort offering to work full time for free? at all? especially why was he doing that? given what we now know was going on in his finances at the time? this indictment describes a two-part scheme the first will be the first indictment, the first wrath of charges against him. the first part of the scheme, according to this diernlths takes place between approximately 2006 and 2015. during that time quote manafort and gates generated tens of millions in income as a result of their ukraine work. now the special counsel alleges, most of this was in the first indictment. mueller s office alleges that the money that they made in
presidential company? he s only been operating in politics in the former soviet union for the past 15 years, what s he doing now running a u.s. presidential campaign? and two, why is he working for free? well now say hello to the new dime. because now we ve got a lot more of that plot. manafort makes that pitch for free in march 2016. here s what we now know is going on for manafort in the months leading up to march 2016. the new indictment pages 20 to 27 to be specific if you are going to read this before you go to bed tonight, they layout a scene of absolute financial desperation for paul manafort. we don t know why he was in a state of financial desperation, but we do see direct evidence of a scramble, a scramble by manafort on multiple fronts to get his hands on a lot of cash. a lot of money.
mueller to be able to get this cooperation, leniency. i think to the extent there is questions about his legal team him he is probably angry at legal advice he s gotten in the past. he doesn t know why he is being name, including in the same things paul manafort is included with. especially since part he was helping. through all of the stuff about the malfeasance with banks and lending institutions, it s all gates helping manafort commit fraudulent acts. exactly. this is a position i don t think he is expected to be in. but it s not clear that changing lawyers a fourth time is going to get him out of this. julie ainsley, justice reporter, that is a bizarre sci plot. we don t know how it will end. thank you, we ll follow it. much more to come. a very news night and a really big interview coming up on the show. stay with us.