Since 2018, we ve been consistent in our main goal of showing the other side of business by narrating stories of hope, accomplishments and vision in creating economic and societal impact in the community through corporate social responsibility, beams Executive Producer Vanessa Verzosa. Business Matters serves as a link of the companies to the communities across the country.
the beatles came in second. the most popular rock group in england these days is called the led zeppelin. rollin: in their 20s, they are rich, powerful, temperamental, and pampered. they are the led zeppelin, a rock group on tour. and in the vernacular of the record biz, where to be merely big is nothing, the zeppelin is very big. to get around, the zeppelin uses a chartered 707, the kind of plane president nixon uses. but the president s plane doesn t have an organ, nor a 15-foot mirrored bar, nor in the private quarters does it have two bedrooms and a fireplace. i m a bit upset that there s not a pool table onboard. apart from that, i think this is about the best way to travel. culhane: americans are now spending $2 billion a year on music. that s $700 million more than the whole movie industry grosses from ticket sales in one year. about three times the amount of money taken in