Be in a Bonnie and Frenchy for make us as her be love it call by the only guy way that we also have a song he s one of my favorite 2nd favorite maybe I already own Anthony and Diane are you ready for such a half to tell you know yeah I ve told things however. I feel like the travelin in the morning I think visiting those things are merely going to happen some kind of adverse effect or total commitment the time I would tell you no that s when the high road you may have talking right let s cross to produce that I was going to take the points today it s the Byron this morning already a song and a film so. It s full 6. Months stayin alive stayin alive. Yeah you revel in it not she be stayin alive tomorrow he s about we ll speak to you in the morning for bran you had a line challenge Thank you Peter so you say thank you to everyone who s been in touch this morning of course you got a major breaking news my path has all the updates that you ll need next thank you very much at this moment of
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Woman That man was then shot and killed by other soldiers there nobody else was hurt it s believed the same man fired bird shot at cops and stole a car earlier today you re listening to Fox News Radio fair and balanced. Every school or less in class. Go to school with your children briefing. To expand them. Provide any Tell me and I m a pretty good. Narrative every 5 to me and I m struck. This problem for the new man teacher tells me he came to me with every morning I learned to be someone to. Believe everything please visit him in America today and find a list of every dollar you donate to help. Bring. People. Back to you by feeding. A Georgia man suing a donut shop in Louisiana claiming his father s death from an allergic reaction to Walnut flour in an apple fritter was caused by the shop s lack of warning about it being in there Brian Allen Jr is seeking unspecified damages from the donut shop and its insurance company no comment from anyone with either of those there s an anti-tru
Love him thank you for joining us today we re in the midst of a series called God loves you he always has he always will and I want to tell you 1st of all about this book you know written over 50 books but if I had to choose one of those 50 books just one to give to every Christian in every non-Christian that I know I think I would give them this book about the love of God In fact every day when we have services at Shadow Mountain We welcome our visitors and encourage them to fill out the little guest form and when they do we give them a copy of this book I just a couple of days ago before I came into the studio it was the Lord s day and I signed a bunch of these books after the service for people who came to be guests at our church why I am saying that to you is this is a very important message the love of God is assumed but very little understood. I have tried to take some of the great truths of God s love and package them in this 290 page paperback book and I d like to have you re