Woman That man was then shot and killed by other soldiers there nobody else was hurt it's believed the same man fired bird shot at cops and stole a car earlier today you're listening to Fox News Radio fair and balanced. Every school or less in class. Go to school with your children briefing. To expand them. Provide any Tell me and I'm a pretty good. Narrative every 5 to me and I'm struck. This problem for the new man teacher tells me he came to me with every morning I learned to be someone to. Believe everything please visit him in America today and find a list of every dollar you donate to help. Bring. People. Back to you by feeding. A Georgia man suing a donut shop in Louisiana claiming his father's death from an allergic reaction to Walnut flour in an apple fritter was caused by the shop's lack of warning about it being in there Brian Allen Jr is seeking unspecified damages from the donut shop and its insurance company no comment from anyone with either of those there's an anti-trust billboard up in Phoenix Arizona now the billboard shows an image of President Trump over what appears to be a nuclear explosion flanked by 2 huge dollar signs that resemble swastikas reaction in the neighborhood is mixed I think this brings thing that's enough time I think that everything that Donald Trump is doing is destroying America from the inside take it to your home I live right here I got to wake up to this every day. Disrespectful the artist says she is leaving it up to those who see the billboard to interpret it as they wish Gary Baumgarten Fox News wildlife officials in Nebraska are asking people to keep an eye out for one of the most endangered birds in the United States back in 1941 the whooping cranes in the u.s. Were nearly completely gone there were just 16 left in the entire country but conservation efforts have helped turn that around now we're up to nearly $400.00 and many of those birds are going to be migrating across Nebraska over the next few weeks so conservationists are asking people to keep an eye out for them they're pretty easy to spot they're about 5 to 6 feet tall they're all white with black wingtips and they sound like this. If you see them please get in touch with the Nebraska game and Parks Commission the birds are migrating from their winter grounds in Texas up to their breeding grounds in Canada chill NATO Fox News top official with Russia's space agency has been found dead in his prison cell stabbed a couple of times self-inflicted or not it's under investigation Vladimir of don't commit off is charged with embezzlement I'm Chris Foster Fox News Radio. And I sort of we're committed to helping you buy a girlfriend because nothing says I'm a catch more than a guy who lives in his parents' basement and calls it my place busted and broke because bus driving is drunk driving a message from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council. Welcome to the car approached show on the show that as a 2 time chairman of the Ford national dealer Council for a host Kerry Reynolds is the car. And along with his trusty psychic radio Holofcener Kevin McCarthy They bring great time again honest answers about everything out of a. Routine. Stop listening to it you're terrified Calvin says about how. We voted 940 can find our way to why he has put you on the friendship. To push it you join us here on the car profile Mr new answers right straight talk and honest answers about everything and that's what we do here but we do a lot more than that we give you lots of information at our website which is car proto USA dot com a car reviews and videos going back gosh I miss a 67 years so if you're looking at a 2 or 3 year old pre-owned vehicle they're all range by brand got a card for usa dot com at the top you'll see car views and look at see what I thought about that car at the time this week I'm in the 2017 Mercedes s l 450 retractable hard top convertible and this is a car I hate giving up Monday because I've certainly enjoyed it but if I got to give it up at least I'm getting one that a lot of you have asked me about which is the 2017 Lincoln Continental I did have the Continental for a weekend around Christmas of last year and loved it but I just needed more time to be able to do a review and video and so that opportunity is coming up this week and I'll have it on Monday of start reviewing it are reviews go up usually the evening of Monday the following week so this recite is for instance that review should be up by Monday night at the latest Tuesday morning depending on how fast we get the video produced So with that if we can help you use the phone numbers one and. Under 926-7777 my trusty sidekick is here he's been with me for 15 and a half years we're actually scheduled to go on the air the week of 911-2001 obviously a postponement was in order and yes we probably postponed for 2 weeks in m.r. To put it off longer but I decided to go because of what was going on in the auto industry after 911 when President Bush went to all the automakers and said we've got to get cars moving because cars are the backbone of the American economy and so that's the 1st time you ever saw 0 percent for 16 months and across the board ever ever 1st time we saw in that set off and now people kind of expect it Yeah everybody thinks it's there it's always there and it's you're going to see less and less because of the action the Federal Reserve took this week right next right let's go to cost automakers a lot more money now that was only a quarter of a percent raise in the in the in the prime rate that's a lot of money to automakers that are financing thousands and thousands and thousands of cars a month on our website a car pro-U.S. a Dot com right now the 3 top stories trending b.m.w. Is promising they will have a fully autonomous vehicle on the road by 2021 it's only 4 years from now Ford has night vision coming to the 2018 f 150 and Mustang and the bad news is Hyundai has recalled nearly a 1000000 so not as over their seatbelts the good news is they say only one percent of the 1000000 vehicles are affected actually affected actually affected Yeah so but who wants to think that to me that one percent one percent of Americans a lot of people are not very fair let's go to Tina in Stratford Connecticut Tina thank you for holding kiddo How can I help you. Well you know to you you're on the air. Thinking that all I can buy. If he has one. And I'm having so many problems I went back 5 times fairly I have precious . A month later I when the weather does warmer I Little don't wait oh and it had I'm like a bill. That has cylinder head has way back. What can I do about that today to respond or. I say things such as you know well you can probably get a bob back given the amount and the severity especially that last problem. Your dealer where you bought it needs to initiate that had how many days have you been without the truck about. This Tuesday will be 3 weeks Ok And I've got to bone up on new. Connecticut New Jersey New York lemon laws but most states it's the vehicle has to be out of service for 30 days before you actually qualify for the lemon law now that doesn't mean you can't get a bad back which is where Ford steps in the knowledge or issues and they say Ok You know it's good as the f 150 has been you got a bad one we're going to replace it and there's a there's kind of a complicated formula that depending on how many miles you drive in your old truck you know what they do sometimes they just trade your title for title and sometimes they do what's called a. A collateral swap where if the truck financed they give you a new truck they take the old one and they they exchange Vin numbers on the contract and a lot of things that can be done the problem the problem when you run things like this Tina is sometimes it's hard to distinguish whether you have a dealer problem whether it's a manufactured problem the engine part no question that's on the man. Fracture the other things did that they were not fix right the 1st time and if so then that's a different story but I'm not as concerned about those 1st 2 items obviously as I am the fact that they had to go into the engine what engine do you have by the way . I thought was. Ok Is it the Eco Boost. Yes Ok so you've got either a 2.7 or a 3.5 lyrical based both of which have been very very very good engines for a long time the 27 s. Roots of Lee No it's only been out a couple of years but the 35 The 1st one of those I drove was back in 09 in a league and so they just been around a long time contact forward I would not get an attorney at this point but contact Ford got a 4 dot com at the bottom you'll see contact us and to end it let's get your concerns on record right now before this gets any worse that the worst case scenario if you have any more problems is I would try a different dealer than the one you're using now and the reason for that is should you have to go with the lemon law that strengthens your case you've been to multiple dealers now and none of them have been able to make this truck right this is not common with the f 150 I promise you that So let's let's start with Ford they in turn will involve your dealership and get them on board and probably want to send someone to meet with you at the dealership so you've got plenty wrong a short period of time to work on that 180-926-7777 is the phone number for usa dot com on the right it's out about halfway down that's where you subscribe to our free newsletter and it'll say get weekly car protests or something along those lines but that's our weekly newsletter no spam no ads we don't sell a thing all we do is give you good update information clearing recalls you found out about recalls from us before you found out from manufacturers. Many choices gasoline hybrid electric The Flintstones car where you pedal with your feet Gerri Willis the car pro can help you decide which is right for you it's not the Flintstones car tell what he had read 967777 there's. Just no need to have a truck and then dread hauling anything because of your bad back not when you can use the cargo captain I use the cargo captain in the bed of my truck and let me tell you it's helped me avoid many a backache and that's because the cargo Captain eliminates having to climb in and out of your truck bed which in turn eliminates back strain because you're also not leaning over the sides of the truck and it's designed to maximize the full capacity of your pick up trucks bed check out the demo at the cargo Captain dot com website then order yours today it's going to be one of those handy inventions that will make you say how did I live without the cargo captain that's the cargo Captain dot com terrific website watch the video it's also at car pro USA dot com Again that website is the cargo captain that counts just done so easy to find the best cars out there because now when you search your favorite brand on car from usa dot com You'll also see on some quick search. Which means you can find that quality used car or truck and get the outstanding car broke buying experience . To get those 3rd party sites with the USA dot com You get the used car you want with the treatment you deserve a big belly Lincoln is the exclusive car pro sort of had Lincoln store in all of Northern California by the most popular models it Big Valley including the m.k. Z m k x n m k c they're all available and yes happens in turbos as well there's also a great selection a sort of thought prio make sense from which to choose outstanding customer service is my buyers from Sacramento but asto Fresno and Livermore all choose Big Valley Lincoln in the Stockton Big Valley Lincoln of Stockton dot com. Try to keep. Chrysler Jaci Bram we take care of our customers our Mopar certified master service technicians are trained with the knowledge and skill to give your car or truck the carriage a service we're open Monday through Friday from 7 to 6 and now open Saturdays from a to 5 to Tresor Chrysler Dodge cheaper lamps and just any other non certified technicians right 99 importers. Was a dot com Northern California family has a car prob sort of that Hyundai store it's Hyundai of Vacaville you gotta go see em they're great people family owned and operated serving the entire Bay Area plus Sacramento Stockton and Modesto they've got a customer 1st philosophy that you're gonna love and don't forget that in your 100000 mile warranty goes a great re Johnson and Hyundai of Vacaville who take great care of you often 80 in Vacaville or for that brick to car pro USA dot com Thank you rage during Chevy truck look at Johnny Sullivan Chevrolet we there's really been all these so models and stuff thanks for making it so easy to buy a car you always get a good deal when you come down here to John also the Chevrolet thank you for the great service Thank you John how something a great deal of money so. Cool for 60 years new and to make him feel like we can and that's a promise John O'Sullivan Chevrolet on the roads a lot of when Dad needed help getting around I became a striker soon enough it was up to me to be his housekeeper and financial manager too when he moved in I became discouraged and even its nurse but no matter what. I know I'm still it's time we understand the roles you play so to help we created a r.p. Dot org slash caregiving where you can connect with experts and other caregivers visit a r peeped out org slash caregiving brought to you by a r.p. And the Ad Council. This is for the show thanks for joining us I'm Kevin I think I'll ride shotgun here for the man Jerry rattles and yes if you're new to the show of course we have a Facebook page everybody and their mother does why wouldn't we one of the things we do with our Facebook pages have a classic car the weekend every weekend or we invite you to guess the year make model with somebody that does wins a custom made auto Heechee or for whatever he or she drives a hint this weekend's car could be the grandfather of Jerry's Mercedes or 50 s.l. That he's driving this week and I put a picture of it up last night on our Facebook page is that so pretty that color candy apple red brings back the. Memories of the 6 Well the nice white seat seats now I don't know how they're going to be long term but this car I was the 1st one to review this card had them for miles under some and the seats massage you into the crazy thing is is the you know the sad bolster ulcers when you take a left hand turn the right bolster comes up and grabs you when you take a left hand turn right you've got it backwards I backwards when you take a left hand turn the rat both the left poster comes to tell Jim the state same thing on the right the 1st time it happens. Is that it. And I know nobody has the back seat because it doesn't have one. It's got a can Michigan currently welcome and thank you for holding Curly had to help you. Thanks for taking my call Jerry Hauer You're right my friend what's on your mind. Well I just have a quick question I listen to you as much as I can every Saturday I have a. Ford Fusion lease that comes due this September and you talk about a residual value on the lease Yes And I just I don't understand that I know when we when we purchase police originally we put 2000 dollars down the coast course we got . You know your monthly. Payment and they need that be the buyout would be approximately $18000.00 which when you put everything in the consideration that's actually higher than the sticker price but if you can explain to me what the residual is on the lease I'd really appreciate your. You know you know the number already the residual value is the amount that you can buy the car for at the lease at the end of the lease and it's set in stone so it's on your contract. So if you look it may it may not say residual value some contracts do but some other ones is. Final payment final parts a surprise there will be a number on your contract and if you'll look and see what that number is that's the amount that you can buy it for or that you can use as a payoff to trade it in and people tend to overcomplicate leases leasing is just another way to finance a car but it gives you a lot of options you've got you've got a shorter term you've got a lower payment and at the end if you love the car and you want to buy you can if you've got equity you get to keep it if you don't have equity to be part of a lease is even just walk away from it and so look on your contract it'll be there in again that number is set in stone it's not going to change period there's. On our Web website under f.a.q. Carper USA dot com There's an article Jerry's written censure coming near the end of your lease called What do I do at the end of my lease if you read that that will answer all your questions and you might make a few 1000 dollars in the process in which case you want to lay in do it again you know get least another card because the next car you gets can have more safety things in the last one it's going to probably be a better car certainly it's going to get better fuel economy and then you don't the reason I tell people not to bother lease car in most cases is because you defeated the reason to lease because if you if you finance that car then for 4 or 5 years now you've got a 7 year note and now you're looking at tires and you're looking at maintenance you're looking at time and chains and you're looking at repairs whereas if you stay within the 3 years and keep leasing you don't put up with any of that stuff so an f.a.q. Kevin's right that's the best place to. Go if you've got any leasing questions in the trend in the one thing that I'm recommending a lot for for senior citizens today is to lease there's a lot of advantages to them to hang onto their cash and put very little out the one thing you never want to do with the least put a big down payment down because at the end of the lease it's gone all you've really done with a down payment a big down payment is lower your monthly kind artificially. We've all heard those shows that only regular cars with eco friendly fuel systems that got on this w. And hearing aid that. This is not that show. This is the type of show we only get straight talk an honest answer is about everything I don't know Jerry's here to be your best friend forever in the car business call Jerry Reynolds the car pro now at 896-7777 this is the car pro show I am a car from my name very Reynolds 896-7770. When I got my buddy James figure on the line with me James is the owner press forward turn like James I was trying to think this morning how far we go back a decade you know it's been a long time Jerry I don't remember any years now boy I don't either but I'll tell you one thing I do remember I remember how well you treat my listeners and you're doing it at Prost Ford interlocks we love it when they come out here serious just like you know I haven't somebody from your close family or one of those friends Dillon up there well and is as your dealership continues to grow and operate your stock in more vehicles really doing a great job in trucks we are Jay matter of fact I think we have about 450 new vehicle them a lot and a good used car selection to go with it well there you go take it from me if you want to new Ford You gotta go see James he's a dear friend and he'll take great care of you just like you're a dear friend 5200 North Golden State Boulevard inter-locking looking up on line. Ford upturn dot com Here's a good reason to go to carpool USA dot com and check out the test drive videos from Jerry Reynolds the car pro chances are you'll drive when you're thinking about buying or leasing then you just mislead put yourself in the driver's seat and you'll know exactly how your friends will see by a new car if your beer truck should be hard. The car probably let me make it easy for you your relationship with the car pros starts a car for us a dot com And that's where you'll find the Facebook link to car pro USA. I wasn't prepared to be a caregiver to Mom I had no idea how hard it would be and when I would need to know things I never thought of like how to improve her mood and ways for me to stay positive Luckily I found the caregiving resource center from a r.p. And had articles about the basics but also information about the hurdles I was facing caregiving Resource Center a r p dot org slash care giving articles tips and tools to help you both care for your loved one and care for yourself a r.p. And the Ad Council. Kinda hard for Connecticut we go and talk to Carlos Carlos welcome and thank you for listening today. We're glad to have you. Carlos really we've got a whole we've got just a horrible connection and I apologize for that because I'd love to talk to you but we're just I'm getting about every 3rd word I open call us back at 180-926-7777 I know you want to ask me about a 2012 Cross or 300 I would tell you up front I am a huge fan of the crash for 300 it has been an exceptional car since day one I've reviewed it a number of times as recent as I believe 2015 but I had one couple years before that I recommend that car a lot because there's a lot of people out there who used to own Lincoln Town Car in Crown Victorias and grand marquees and large rear wheel drive cars are just becoming almost extinct lot of people that used to drive Chevy Caprice the 300 has has kind of fit that bill but what's crossers done and I talk at a table Chrysler since bankruptcy in 2010 has just built some spectacular automobiles and what they're getting this crap then last crush was 300 a head was a 6 elder with a 9 speed automatic transmission got 35 miles to the gallon out how it shocked me and frankly I wasn't even trying I think that car would have done $36.00 or 37 miles to the gallon out on the highway so with that said a price of $300.00 is great Be sure you see a history. We report if you're looking at a 2012 make sure there hasn't been any past floods or bad accidents or that sort of thing and Scituate do have a lot of new people today and a lot of people recommend Carfax I have had better luck you got more accurate information from Ottawa check and it's auto check dot com And that's true I personally use my objection I have a car that's going to be set in Madras a place. Called The average out and load it show and tell and your tall and they're going to recommend a car that's 8 feet high but only 4 feet long Jerry Reynolds the car for oh look you find a car truck or s.u.v. That fits you like the glove a roomy comfortable glove that gets really good gas mileage I'm German car that may have you found the perfect bill or a new vehicle by calling your son a cold car pro show at 18092677771809267777. As a farmer and the president of the new say farmers lake our members take great pride in providing fresh fruits vegetables and nuts to our nation and the world our farmers and farm workers are the key to keeping our local economy strong we need to keep our workers and their families. News Radio a 1000000 mood just about one week after intruder on White House grounds the Secret Service responding to reports of another possible breach we're told the suspect didn't actually make it over the fence Fox is Leeland Vitter and other press were moved from the front line heard a loud sound like a car door springing open and with that the attack dogs took out across the North Lawn Secret Service officers deployed as well with their long rifles the suspect last week made his way over 3 separate fences onto the White House grounds and then wandered around for about 15 minutes before being apprehended by the Secret Service that suspect could face up to 10 years in prison and French authorities say the man shot dead at Orly Airport for trying to steal a soldier's rifle does have a criminal record and was previously flagged for possible radicalism box or. Big Steve qubits is on the line big Steve is a buddy of mine we go way back and he is the general manager a big valley Lincoln Steve you weathered the storm when Lincoln didn't have right product but now everything you've got on the ground is fantastic Larry I can't tell you of the progress of it made in the products are unbelievable it's not just the cuts we're going to come in and drive them and they're going to leave in a league that once they see how they perform and how they stack up against other luxury vehicles Yeah average viewed a number of them over the past couple of years and cannot wait to get my hands on that Continental we're going to have a plethora of continental they're going to be everywhere and you might as well come down and drive and go that's a car that Lincoln was waiting to put on the road to say we're back and we're relevant in the luxury industry go see Steve it Big Valley Lincoln there in Stockton there online at Big Valley Lincoln up Stockton dot com or just go see him their own Auto Center Drive there in Stockton he'll take grow. Care of You 1000 Jews from 1000000 still a good your in the market or upbringing you go Livermore Toyota is the place to see during the spring savings images from over 1000 quality real vehicles take advantage of low low regions pricing on cars trucks and S.U.V.s just bring savings of it happening now live longer pay less in Livermore enjoy yoga I did events go with the base of the ultimate That said $5.00 events go as a basically on some other path Livermore Toyota come see as an save if you have a truck and a not so perfect back lack I do then you need the cargo captain the cargo captain is going to become your new best friend because it saves you from having to climb in and out of your truck bed and that translates to no more back strength check out the demo at the cargo Captain website and then you can order yours today it's easy on your back and on your wallet so visit the cargo Captain dot com or car pro USA dot com. On some level we all knew it was true but now it's official the European police agency says the technology is behind all serious crime even down to neighborhood burglaries Kommando here Monday digital consumer tech update criminals big and small are now using big technology in most major crimes you already know about the Nigerian e-mail scams and the talk talk scam from India where a phone solicitor gets you to say the word yes to some question and then signs you off for all sorts of services you never ordered homes these use social media to figure out when people are away from home to schedule their break ins transport drugs to dealers sophisticated gangs working with foreign governments have been behind every major data hack in the past 5 years this is why it should be criminal when companies like Yahoo are targets it on bad news and not immediately reported to law enforcement and the public any time they get hacked the latest tech news is updated 24 seventh's at News dot Kommando dot com That's k o m a n d o in your business you trust people who time and time again get the job done and indeed dot com We deliver 5 times more hires than any other job site according to independent research that's why over 3000000 businesses use Indeed when they're hiring because getting the job done matters right now we're giving new users a $50.00 credit to post a sponsored job on the world's number one job site claim your $50.00 credit and indeed credit terms conditions and quality standards apply a.d.t. 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This is the color brochure just believing See course again on your radio and you've just come across for the 1st time we're here every weekend same time same radio station we are the most listened to automotive show in America on the radio or are our affiliates stretched from the Pacific Northwest to Orlando from Los Angeles to Boston in our newest affiliate we welcome you listing to w c b s a m 80 in New York City we're thrilled to be in the Big Apple and we hope you enjoy the show but I'm skeptical of coffee I do a few things behind the scenes here while Jerry is helping you make a good decision about your transportation situation and speaking of New York City that's where Eddie is welcome Eddie how can I help you. I don't guys just tell you I'm sorry Daddy Damon. Now you know you've called they get mixed up like that listen I just stumbled upon your show and it's very good one thing I like to say I was very happy to hear you kind of. Reinforced leasing I do lease my cars and I have a Jeep Cherokee diesel I'm very happy with it and let all the expectation and gas mileage high only thing I didn't expect was the with the diesel with that fluid that you have to put in that I forget what it's called already d.e.f. Diesel emission fluid Yeah yeah so that was a tip but other than that the car is great my question to you I leased it I'm over my mileage and I'm not one of these people that will get twisted over that because I'm about $6000.00 over in mileage which to me reflects about 30000 miles and I said to myself in my own head where can you drive a car for that kind of mileage with that low price but what I take it back is it makes sense to ride is car out. To work with a deal on that overage Yeah there's not going to be any working with the dealer to the dealer has no control over that he can. Change the contract that you signed because the contract between you and cross are financial now yes I do think by and the when the end of the lease. I got until I think of September I didn't expect to put that kind of miles on it actually my wife wasn't like she wasn't feeling the car and now I can get a break away from the car sort of thing to get it built. That diesel engine should go 300 plus 1000 miles in your case a little more complicated because of the emissions scandal that cross was going through right now with the Grand Cherokee and the ram 1500 if you heard about that one I only heard a little bit I don't really know much about it and nobody does we don't have any results yet but but the government says that crosser cheated and their diesel vehicles they're light duty do so but not the heavy duty but the light duty diesel the 6 elder put out more emissions than what shelves we just went through this with folks wagon Audi in Porsche Now what that what happened with those is a lot of those people ended up getting their cars bought back some of them were able to get their cars fixed and got nice size checks as compensation. Ok now we by the time your lease is up we'll we should know what's going to happen and that could change my answer big time. If if there's going to be able compensation a bad back then I'm going to tell you buy it immediately to the day that it's announced so that you qualify for that. And. Because if they have to buy this thing back that's going to be your cheapest way out I don't care if you go get another Jeep Grand Cherokee diesel that's your cheapest way out in your particular case because this emissions think so stay tuned to us be sure and register for our newsletter because that's where I put information like this we covered the v.w. Emissions scandal a newsletter Kevin how many weeks or 50 weeks a few weeks in a row at least and better than anyone else in a in the country well down that's very kind of you know it's true I mean I recommended the v.w. Diesel for many years and I I kind of felt personally responsible for it in so many people to buy those I've recommended the Jeep especially the ram 1500 diesel so much we're just going to have to wait and see but stay tuned and your case is unusual the one thing I would say to you in the future over by you Miles so if you want to do a 3 year lease and you think you're going to do 25000 miles a year get on the contract because it's cheaper to do it that way that after the fact and if you don't use all the miles you get that money back so there you go and we go to Jim in Porter Ranch California in the l.a. Area Jim welcome. Thank you for taking my call I'm interested in buying out 2017 Tacoma pickup truck now I've looked on the Internet and there's a lot of negative information about the transmission and the noise in the engine now you just wonder what your opinion of that car would be I reviewed it and I thought it was great and I'll tell you the history of the Tacoma has been amazing. Even really be careful Jim when you Kit out looking online I go online and find bad stuff about every car ever made in the history of the auto industry but when you look at a high volume vehicle like Tacoma. Igawa remember that only somebody. Who has had a problem pulsed Online nobody goes out there and says a laggard 27 thing to come and I absolutely love it they just don't take the time to do it but boy if if they're if they're angry about something they'll post online every time and there's no way to verify the information I have seen salespeople at for instance a Honda dealership get on line and write bad things about Toyotas to try to get people to buy their cars were really weird things like that you don't know if they're doing their maintenance you don't know if they're abusing their vehicle and I would say one thing about Toyota. Toyota if they have an inherent problem well absolutely get it taken care of so the bottom line is this I would have no reservations about it to come it has been in if you've looked at a used one used you'll know what I'm talking about there's nothing the house is value better than a Toyota Tacoma and the reason for that is people keep them forever because you can't wear one out so they drive them for 3400000 miles or more I had one listener in Austin that turned a 1000000 miles on or Tacoma without ever turn in a wrench on the engine and sent me documentation of it so yeah I get to Tacoma don't worry about what you read online I wish I wish the internet were more fair when it comes to writing cars there's just there's just not that way so I take everything I read especially in those forums with a grain of salt I do appreciate the phone call so much and then open the line at 180-926-7777. But to go for which you go so far as to call them there is a complainer some of them anyway fakers use. Well it's just when you when you start talking about found in 20 bad things about a vehicle that sells 300000 a year you know so what Yeah that that's not a big deal I'll have you know this Q Question we've got a lot of listeners today they don't know that we have a video competition every week yes where I put up my favorite video the wake you put up your favorite video that mine this week was by air by a flying car yours was about Wonder Woman which one got the most clicks. One might think that Wonder Woman the trailer for the new 5 movie. Mike just because she's Wonder Woman but now. You double me that you're sure there are air bus flying car concept which is so cool it was cool you kill me get sorry. There's a reason you don't see a brand of tuna called friendly dog. And there's a reason the cherry Riddle's is the culprit here find it should strike the truck as you call it at 180926777 the. Key here again for Lexus of Sacramento you know when you combine a true passion for helping others with a proven record of can do you pretty much capture the spirit of Lexus of Sacramento let's face it some dealerships are just more dedicated than others because they go above and beyond in every way possible and that's exactly what you'll find when you visit their gorgeous showroom at 2600 Fulton Avenue so go beyond expectations go to Alexis of Sacramento 2600 Fulton Avenue online at Lexus of Sacramento dot com I knew Ray during Chevy truck at Johnny Sullivan Show everybody there's really been all these so models and stuff thanks for making it so easy to buy a car you always get a good deal when you come down here to John also the Chevrolet thank you for the great service Thank you John I also think a great deal of my music. To over 60 years new and to make a new Like weekend and that's a promise John O'Sullivan Chevrolet and the Roseville out of all big valley Lincoln is the exclusive car pro sort of oddly can store in all of northern California the most popular models that Big Valley including the m k c m kind of accent and k.c. They're all available and yes hybrids and turbos as well there's also a great selection of certified pre-owned Lincolns from which to choose outstanding customer service is my buyers from Sacramento but that's Fresno. Livermore all Jews big belly going into Stockton Big Valley going up Stockton dot com Chideya to movies this weekend Asia box office preview new this week Disney turns another of a pair of an aging infrastructure it's all part of putting the power. Information to work for you in giant leaps compared to your smart phones think the steps. Planners are making cities smarter today and even smarter tomorrow delivering the services you need and creating the communities who want to learn more about smart cities and work with the folks who are putting the power of information to work for you go to planning dot org that's planning. A message from this station and the American family is the solution. This is a gap or show and if you want to do business with a car pro certified dealer and get a friend of Gerry Reynolds experience red carpet v.i.p. Experience and no hassle no no b.s. No let me speak to the manager back and forth kind of thing that you may have experienced in the past the way to do it is really simple go to our website Carper USA dot com click on the tab that says certified dealers you'll see all the cities for the car pro show airs click on the city nearest you and then contact the dealer they'll all be listed there with their logos in alphabetical order contact the dealer through our website don't just walk up to the dealership one day and say hey I heard about you on the car pro show contact the dealer through our website that's the way that you're guaranteed to get a friend of the car pro v.i.p. Red carpet experience mark in Long Beach New York welcome to the car park show you know Mark. Good Actually I I me I'm mileage driver my our docos were destroyed superstorm Sandy and and packed all of the Old were destroyed and we and I I am going to finding a dealer up in Westchester that still had cars that were water damaged we 1st time released a car for my wife and she daughter Secondly what I'm calling about today is as I said Is my van was destroyed and I bought a 2011 t. O. The Sienna with 35 to use 35000 miles a day over 6 years I currently now have 144000 psi my mileage driver. I like the idea of places. Like what do you recommend I do because of my high mileage Well Howie's recommand marked by something pre-owned in you did that so you did good on that part of the mistake you made and I know I'm sure I know why you did it but is finance in it for 6 years because at the rate you put miles on a vehicle it's not going to last 6 years so I always I always tell people to get a one or 2 year old used car let somebody else take the 1st year or two's depreciation because that's the greatest years of depreciation no need you taking that with a new car you can take it with a lease to buy the way so don't do that but then the other side of it is is finance the car for the shortest amount of time that you can stand I recommend 48 months at the most because even it how mileage driver financing of 48 months usually about 3 years into it you can get out of it and do it all over again and get another used car you kind of get on a cycle of doing that and sometimes you get it because you're such a high mileage driver you've got to settle in maybe not get something quite is not so that you don't have to go 6 years to have a payment that you can afford and I sympathize because there's a ton of how mileage drivers out there but at the rate you're going there there comes a point when leasing doesn't make sense for how mileage driver now think you are one of those people so buy used to finance it the least amount of time that you can shop around make sure you get a good rate a good interest rate and in shop around to to make sure that you get the best price and if you do all those things it takes a little bit of work but it's going to be worth it especially you know as much is as you are behind the wheel of a vehicle you want to watch your fuel economy because we don't know what's. It happened with gas and gasoline prices as we go along in a dollar a gallon for a guy like you can crater you because of the miles you drive so that's my advice to the how mileage drivers not consider Hamas driver to be anybody over 25000 miles a year anything less than that. Have softened my stance on leasing how mileage drivers but only up to around 25000 miles anything anything more than that I don't think leasing makes sense because of the wear in tear the car gets an irresponsible for that if you end up walking away from the nation's good it's not for everybody I've covered it extensively car pro USA dot com under f h Q. I guess you'd be run down which is right for you from getting rid of the car and helping you is one cutthroat show his calling to say 7777. I want to welcome back to the car pro show my buddy Greg Johnson from Hyundai Vacaville great car you don't pal I am doing fabulous I load very are you banned I am just doing great I want to thank you 1st for the way you treat Carper Show listeners when they come in there they rave about your bad what we strive to do I think that's anything to do it does seem to come natural for you you know one of the cars that I talk about a lot on the show is The New Genesis g. 80 in g. 90 I reviewed them both and loved them as the majority of those who are eager right now is absolutely great on the g. 8 I actually own a g. 80 and I love it they carry the full line of Hyundai products there and as always you get Merrick as best warranty 10 years or 100000 miles on the power train so there's only one Hyundai dealer all singed to and that is Hyundai of Vacaville asked for Gregory Johnsen are easy to get to just off I 80 in Vacaville and online Hyundai of. Dot com right there galaxy brand at ter like Chrysler Dodge Jeep Bram we take care of our customers our Mopar certified master service technicians are trained with the knowledge and skill to give your car or truck the carriages nerves were open Monday through Friday from 7 to 6 and now open Saturdays from 8 to 5 so don't trust your Chrysler Dodge cheaper ram to just any other non-certified technicians right 99 encourage her to lock on it was a dot com When I grow up I want to be a new pair of blue jeans slim I go up I like to be kids 1st computer fleece in a day full blown away be a bike that races around the country I want to be on a forest trail when I grow up I don't want to be a piece of garbage and if you are psycho me I won't be give your garbage another life recycle learn how that I want to be recycled to work brought to you by Keep America Beautiful and the Ad Council amateur player of the car idiot at least I hope not. You are listening to the car for a show satellite feed will be going back to life shortly so if you're on hold please standby. It's the Kerberos with Jerry Reynolds and Kevin McCarthy and a lot of people don't know what anything about rear ends and don't even ask the question when they're in a car dealership and sadly too many car sales and they don't understand where it takes so if I walked into a dealership and I said I want to j. Lo here is. What I get at 333 or more in the mail because it really broke. The car from never slate it because of that noise a new email might so my computer. If you'd rather pull your wisdom teeth out with pliers to go through the hassle of buying a car the car pro can help you. Happy St Patrick's Day weekend to you and right now we go Houston Texas to talk to Mark Mark welcome to the car profile I'm going to help you Mark it's gone doggone it Mark was going to ask me about focus versus a line truck and I would go with the Alondra Mark if you're still listening and I hope you are. Focus has had a number of of complaints on the transmission and I've kind of gotten involved in it more than I wanted to talk into forward in talking to listeners it's got a dual clutch transmission and it shifts funny and I can't see any evidence that there's anything wrong with the transmission or that this issue. This issue has anything to do with the long term reliability of that transmission it's just annoying and a lot of people don't like it some people care but a lot of people don't like it the law just got to turn your 100000 mile Hyundai power train warranty I would go with that we do have a great deal or and Conroe and that would be. That would be Terry Hadfield it Wiesner in just telling Massa Conroe karmic Andro car man made. Mr Hinton from San Antonio Jerry wanted to let you know that he bought a new truck at Alamo City Chevrolet because they were one of your recommended dealers and our new Dewar's experience was wonderful Many thanks to you and Chris old and for making is purchased very very easy and a big shout out from David in Southern California to peach Smith and Bob Spence toy of a unlocker sent I got him a new Prius and even though it's 40 miles away he said it was well worth the drive Peets myth is great. Live out all over the place looking for the right. Price or you can just simply listen to the car pro shop push straight talk and honest answers about everything automotive you should talk to the car pro Kerry read otherwise you might as well just use rock paper scissors to decide your next call now it's a good time here's the number 18967777. My suit can still make an impression and my lamp can bring others a bright future because when I don't need my stuff to Goodwill helps fund job placement in training for people right in my community goodwill donate stuff create jobs find your nearest donation center of goodwill to buy goodwill and the council . To scour the most powerful name in news Fox News one can by the minute K.W.'s sex talk that. Baby. Box News Radio I'm Kathleen Maloney another scare for the Secret Service guarding the White House.