here s the big fat check joe biden got from china. elon musk spills his guts about the feds. they got the halloween scandal. everyone s talking about. plus, take a treat. o wh think back to when you were a kid. your parents catch you withhe your hands stuck in the cookie jar. your first instinct , blame your sister or play dumb. what cookie? mb despite the cookie crumbs littered across your lips, childrens will lie to survive, but deflection doesn t always go awationy with age. look at our president. a walking, talking cookie crumb. for each crumb there s a laptop, an email, a photo whistleblower, an llc. joe biden s been shoveling chines .e fortune cookies down his throat his whole career like a kidhis whol. he thinks the cookies are in his tummy and we won t find ummy andthem. where where s the money? i m joe smit sam jh, representig a bunch of malarkey. . biden so used to being protected that he thinks you need to find gold barse t in in his closet to
young people in this country who are who are looking to get ahead. what would you say e lookin to them?ld say i would say very simply, honestly, vote for trump. te for ttrump and the youth votn and the pope to be successful at anything you just have to be what most people aren t consistente , determined,k and willing to work for it. the kefoy to success. billionaire pats owner robert kraft is here. am to i am tom brady and i amt. a patriot. aliens living in america. g n what we know. plus, banging gavel. it s a birthday bash in weste palm beach where 45 is celebrating 78. donald trump was welcomedonst on stage with a cake and a [ owd singinagg happy birthday. president trump. happy birthday to you. there s nowhere else i d] rather be on my birthday. it s flag day. my birthday than right heree with thousands of proud american patriotusandss from the great state of florida. joe biden sent his wishes to happy 78th birthday, donald. wish it from one old guy t to ano
arab spring break. not over yet. i just want to make it out tougher. crime is down. a new hoax alert. can you hold for me? hopeful. plus, jake, paul, politics is like a game of cards. you don t pick the cards. you play the hand you re dealtee . after using up their dictator on day one card and the lock , democratss ar upr on are down with only two cards left to play. wit joe biden and kamala har. and around the democrat poker table, the question is, what s the next play? the obvious answer was joe biden. he warned them the first poker game. he won ty not go for a repeat? problem is, everybody sees e the play coming and the biden card, no guarantee. he s lagging with debate prep, skipping out on g-ipping o7 din, and now his son s conviction is hanging over his head. s convicgsources inside of the e house tell the new york times biden s growing more resigned and worried than ever about what the future might hold for his son. and the media is starting to question t
choice. you must first secure the border and secure ithave t e biden s executive actions on the border is ridiculous. prosecutors aren t supposed po to tamper with evidence, and it looks like that s what he did. he changedsed toith the sequene documents that he seized from mar-a-lago. i m sorry, that s the a false characterization. the attorney general under oath, it took being branded to actually wake up and get back to reality and literally snapp an back to my former self escaping a cult. together the get it together series continues. and less money and power. plus, i want the truth. handl you can t handle the truth. joe biden s never worked his harder than his first day in office. i ve never seen a man sign so many thing r s. it was executive order after executive order. he didn t really kno mw what he was signing. but in 24 hours, biden s john hancock kno broke the bord, making him the most successful travel agent. in history. but biden s success turned our c
and welcome to hannity. and tonight, begin with ait moment of gratitude, frankly, thanks to senateh republicans. in 2016, merrick garland will never on the us supreme and court, and it s now obvious the biden s age is more of aca political hack than even eric holdegr. and today, merrick garland was g grilled and exposed on the hilrl . take a look. this is a matter in dispute and discovery in that court. and i m going to leave it for the district court to make t courwe ll len after what youtn say when i say it s not in dispute. this is what he sai, thd. e o the court filing, jack smith s team said that we . not controlur those officers, they make their questions. we communicate with them, not whether you contro wit whethl, you communicate with them and we provide this can make money is not going to solvicatee problem. when the department of homeland security and the president of the united states refuse the lawof.refuwon t p now, we rsee going to bring you the full