investigation into bill clintono for 20 years, he s not revealed his thoughts about what happened but now he is. he is a new book out. it is called contempt: a memoir of the clinton investigation. ken starr joins us tonight. thank you very much forr coming on.u, thank you, tucker. it s good to be with you. tucker: you of course ran a special counsel investigation. you are watching are now in progress. have your views on the existence of a special counsel changed? are you impressed by what mr. mueller appears to be doing? my views have not changed that there is a need for this mechanism. my views have not changed that there was i recount this in the book in some detail. the independent counsel s statute, tucker, was the wrong way to go. we do want honesty in government, that in theory is what this is about. i do applaud bob mueller for bringing the indictments against the russian individuals in organizations by those very powerful indictments. they get into the heart of what