convinced, rudy giuliani hopefully explain the plot to steve bannon back in december of 2020, after joe biden had won the election, the states were preparing their electors. why is the trump campaign sunday in its own slate of electors to these state capitals? for example, let s say the state of georgia decides to continue its hearings, and decides that the count is grossly wrong, not a trump actually won georgia, if we do not have a group of electors selected today, there is a question as to whether we can select electors after today. okay, so that is an alternate part of the same pot. you have got the eastman pot says, if you sundays electors, it is disputed, then the ultimate plot is we have these electors hanging out in case or pressure efforts in these states to overturn the election works, and we could just slip those in. so what he is saying is that if the big lie of election fraud works, let s say he pressured