In ruins and rarely heard about. Our reporter brings us up to date. From the late 19th century until 1960, the Central African republic was a french colony. Then it declared independence. But instead of a democratic government being installed, the country was run by a series of corrupt politicians and autocrats, including the notorious Emperor Bokassa i. Since then, there have been a series of military putsches. The last coup was in 2013. For decades, numerous warlords and rebel groups among them christians and muslims have fought over the countrys commodities, fertile meadowlands, gold, and diamonds. Thousands of people have been killed, while others have fled to neighbouring countries like chad, cameroon, and the democratic republic of congo. According to the uns refugee agency, around 545,500 people have left. And even more, 600,000 people have been internally displaced. From the air, kaga bandoro in the northern part of the Central African republic looks pretty peaceful. But what w
In ruins and rarely heard about. Our reporter brings us up to date. From the late 19th century until 1960, the Central African republic was a french colony. Then it declared independence. But instead of a democratic government being installed, the country was run by a series of corrupupt politicians s and auautocrats, incluluding the notorious empeperor bokassssa. Sisince then, there have bea series of military putsches. The last coup was in 2013. For decades, numerous warlords and rebel groups among them christians and muslims have fought over the countrys commodities, fertile meadowlands, gold, and diamonds. Thousands of people have been killed, while others have fled to neighbouring countries like chad, cameroon, and the democratic republic of congo. According to the uns refugee agency, around 545,500 people have left. And even more, 600,000 people have been inteternally displpl. From the air, kaga bandoro in the northern part of the Central African republic looks pretty peaceful. B
Government being installed, the country was run by a series of corrupt politicians and autocrats, including the notorious Emperor Bokassa i. Since then, there have been a series of military putsches. The last coup was in 2013. For decades, numerous warlords and rebel groups among them christians and muslims have fought over the countrys commodities, fertile meadowlands, gold, and diamonds. Thousands of people have been killed, while others have fled to neighbouring countries like chad, cameroon, and the democratic republic of congo. According to the uns refugee agency, around 545,500 people have left. And even more, 600,000 people have been internally displaced. From the air, kaga bandoro in the northern part of the Central African republic looks pretty peaceful. But what were seeing is actually a refugee camp housing around 30,000 people, some of them from the city itself. Half of those in the camp are children. Many have been badly traumatized. Like lucie vlachou. Shes 12, from a vil
Then it declared independence. But instead of a democratic government being installed, the country was run by a series of corrupt politicians and autocrats, including the notorious Emperor Bokassa i. Since then, there have been a series of military putsches. The last coup was in 2013. For decades, numerous warlords and rebel groups among them christians and muslims have fought over the countrys commodities, fertile meadowlands, gold, and diamonds. Thousands of people have been killed, while others have fled to neighbouring countries like chad, cameroon, and the democratic republic of congo. According to the uns refugee agency, around 545,500 people have left. And even more, 600,000 people have been internally displaced. From the air, kaga bandoro in the northern part of the Central African republic looks pretty peaceful. But what were seeing is actually a refugee camp housing around 30,000 people, some of them from the city itself. Half of those in the camp are children. Many have been
He was full of energy, full of life. He was the comedian. He was the the guy that would walk in the rupe and the sudden line of duty death of trooper sean cullen a new father and fiance to erin has colleagues moved to tears. He was the younger hipper guy so he would show up to work wearing skinny jeans and just everything that we could make fun of him for. We would do it. Reporter on this Facebook Page andrew wrote a letter to his best friend after leaving his bedside saying quote this whole time ive been clenching one of your old patrol shirts hoping somehow that would change this horrible outcome. I hate erin will not have your shoulder and shoom us not have his daddy to hug. He moved to the u. S. When he was three. He excelled at wrestling. Violet says he always found the positive. We could be in a bad situation and hed have something funny to say. Or a comedic something and everybody is laughing. And he was the guy who dreamed of joining his brother as a new Jersey State Police tro