they scrambled jets. they sent troops to western russia. you can do that when you have a strong military. aren t we sending the message that we re not even going to rattle our sabres. loud and clear like we might as well post it in times square. there s no fear of repercussion. they re not worried about american military strength. i believe, at least not under this administration. they might be worried a few select individuals, high value targets, about a predator drone strike coming their way, but other than that, when they hear about these cuts and pulling out of places, that does not sebd the right message. we have been in three wars for over a decade. i mean, how much more are we going to do? i m not suggesting or wanting war. i think you can prevent wars by having the force and threat of a military presence that is world class. walk soft and carry a big stick. i disagree. i think iran is our number one biggest threat on the planet. we haven t fought iran in hand
they sent troops to western russia. you can do that when you have a strong military. aren t we sending the message that we re not even going to rattle our sabres. loud and clear like we might as well post it in times square. there s no fear of repercussion. they re not worried about american military strength. i believe, at least not under this administration. they might be worried a few select individuals, high value targets, about a predator drone strike coming their way, but other than that, when they hear about these cuts and pulling out of places, that does not sebd the right message. we have been in three wars for over a decade. i mean, how much more are we going to do? i m not suggesting or wanting war. i think you can prevent wars by having the force and threat of a military presence that is world class. walk soft and carry a big stick. i disagree. i think iran is our number one biggest threat on the planet. we haven t fought iran in hand
they love hearing that. meanwhile, we ll grow entitlements. last night, i said i was okay, i agreed with bob. i was okay with dropping the level of troops in the military, and people flipped out on me. they thought i was crazy. hear the rest of the story. i think i m still in the camp where i say okay, cut the level of troops, but spend more money. don t cut the defense budget. spend the same amount of money. spend more money developing the technologies, the infrastructure. pay them more? so that we don t have to worry about 2.3 million troops in china or a million troops in iran. that won t matter if we have the baddest, the strongest, smartest, and the best equipped for the next big cyberwar, the next war. why don t we stop building tanks? the last tank battle was no, it wasn t. we had them in desert storm. a few tanks. that s why they surrendered, bob. remember baghdad, bob.
let s cut the military. they love hearing that. meanwhile, we ll grow entitlements. last night, i said i was okay, i agreed with bob. i was okay with dropping the level of troops in the military, and people flipped out on me. they thought i was crazy. hear the rest of the story. i think i m still in the camp where i say okay, cut the level of troops, but spend more money. don t cut the defense budget. spend the same amount of money. spend more money developing the technologies, the infrastructure. pay them more? so that we don t have to worry about 2.3 million troops in china or a million troops in iran. that won t matter if we have the baddest, the strongest, smartest, and the best equipped for the next big cyberwar, the next war. why don t we stop building tanks? the last tank battle was no, it wasn t. we had them in desert storm. anks. that s why they surrendered, bob.
states. they have to be launched from some place closer. that was one of the conversations about benghazi. where were they positions? you need troops on the ground in a lot of places so you can protect our national interests, whether you re protecting other people, but if you re protecting yourself, you have to have ships, lots of them, lots of troops. we have ports in india, in bahrain, plenty of places to put drones down. and our planes and our ships. well, we ve got great development with ships i hope they don t cut. the indian ocean. you put three or four aircraft carriers, i think we have two right now, in the persian gulf, and you can access a lot of the bad countries that don t like us with drones and aircraft. look what putin did yesterday. i have military muscle. i m going to send it to ukraine, and basically is able to fight a war without ever having to fire a shot. that s a good point, kimberly, russian army conscripted.