health care plan, budget proposal under fire. press secretary looked like going to implode trying to defend false claims about wiretapping that party won t defend. help this white house get back on track. first thing they have to do is focus on the big issues that got them there, trade, jobs, infrastructure getting out of these wars, all the things that matter. spending a lot of time on a lot of nonsense right now, both sides of the aisle. big agenda, big week for trump coming up and one of the main things he has to do with the repeal bill for obamacare is republicans get this right. right now the bill as it stands is dead on arrival. not going to be able to pass it as it is right now. doesn t make sense. too many people not covered, costs not going down bill mark your calendar and time. he broke with the president.
it really dovetails into your book. everything trump is doing is being met with this type of reaction. this anger, this fight, this vitriol. my question to you is how do you deal with this one? all you re really dealing isn t enforcing the law and what is from to do? the great thing about donald trump s have been describing in my book, he s not intimidated by the attacks of the left, where the midst of one of the big witch hunts of american history. jeff sessions, one of the most decent human beings in the senate, a champion of civil rights is defamed and slandered and is a racist by elizabeth warren who is making a career out of character assassination. we have in this country a large hate america left. it dovetails with the democratic party, it s a party of hate. trump looks into cameras during the second debate and said you
values, his leadership, his energy, and his faith in the country and our people. for him to be frustrated at any level here by his own party would be to me criminal. i think that we are going to see things get better steadily, not as fast as any of us would want spirit week to week i think the president is making amends progress. sean: great point on both of you, i ve got to go. i love the book, by the way, big agenda, i rode it over the weekend. here s the message to them, move at the speed of trump to go home, because you re useless otherwise. thank you both for being with us to appreciate it. coming up, we have a very important question of the day come as we continue tonight on hannity . so i liked when my doctor told me that i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what s within me with once-weekly trulicity.
a hard-core leftist. it really dovetails into your book. everything trump is doing is being met with this type of reaction. this anger, this fight, this vitriol. my question to you is how do you deal with this one? all you re really dealing isn t enforcing the law and what is from to do? the great thing about donald trump s have been describing in my book, he s not intimidated by the attacks of the left, where the midst of one of the big witch hunts of american history. jeff sessions, one of the most decent human beings in the senate, a champion of civil rights is defamed and slandered and is a racist by elizabeth warren who is making a career out of character assassination. we have in this country a large hate america left. it dovetails with the democratic party, it s a party of hate. trump looks into cameras during the second debate and said you have to understand, hillary has tremendous hatred in her heart,
for him to be frustrated at any level here by his own party would be to me criminal. i think that we are going to see things get better steadily, not as fast as any of us would want week to week i think the president is making amends progress. sean: great point on both of you, i ve got to go. i love the book, by the way, big agenda, i rode it over the weekend. here s the message to them, movb at the speed of trump to go home, because you re useless otherwise.e. thank you both for being with us to appreciate coming up, we have a veryy important question of the day come as we continue tonight on hannity. coming up, we have a y important question of the day come as we continue tonight on my sweethearts gone sayonara. this scarf all thats left to remem. what! she washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain flings (vo) when it comes to helzberg diamonds knows