for him to be frustrated at any level here by his own party would be to me criminal. i think that we are going to see things get better steadily, not as fast as any of us would want week to week i think the president is making amends progress. >> sean: great point on both of you, i've got to go. i love the book, by the way, big agenda, i rode it over the weekend. here's the message to them, movb at the speed of trump to go home, because you're useless otherwise.e. thank you both for being with us to appreciate coming up, we have a veryy important question of the day come as we continue tonight on "hannity." coming up, we have a y important question of the day come as we continue tonight on my sweethearts gone sayonara. this scarf all thats left to remem... what! she washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain flings (vo) when it comes to helzberg diamonds knows