when summer you like governor cuomo or talks about intimating more gun-control laws. laws are no good if the judicia system isn t enforcing them and putting people behind bars, criminals can t, crimes with guns if they are in jail, so that is the problem here. i get that, but there are 400 million guns more or less i the country, at what point is there enough, we are the number one per capita gun possessors i the world by far. the constitution says you ca own one, so i guess there is no limit to gun ownership in this country. you can stop producing guns tomorrow, or for the next ten years were still going to not stop the crime wave in chicago, so biden s handler sent him to chicago to tarry talk to lori lightfoot about the crime sorts are. he would didn t go to chicago h went to crystal city which is 5. that is the kamala harris route don t actually go to the people this a move into it s a joke.
better shots. i don t think hitting a specifi target is not what they re after . they re just spraying everybody. the retaliation, revenge, it is about guns and drugs, that s absolutely true. we want the feds involved, ironically today, president biden goes to the chicago area into atf agents get shot. in the chicago cop gets shot. one thing i don t want to be a party here, but chicago didn t start when biden got elected. chicago has been around and rotten for a long time. i went with jim brown to cabrin green back in the 70s, chicago has been awful for a long time. that s what my assistance at the other day, chicago is the worst it s ever been. i said chicago is bad and it s been bad for a wow. in particular talking about york . one of the things they wanted t do is reimagine the police.
i am so hesitant and reluctant to go up to anyone to talk on camera, did you get over that right away? i m not afraid of rejection. i can see people from miles away. in your book you talk about how you rate people on how well they do in an ambush. we do talk about that, the best thing you can do for an ambush is not say anything. you look like it s a perp walk, but that s better than explodin like alec baldwin on me because that s what we want. we want people to explode. i love the editing. that was all johnny. you know that s his last day today. you can t fire him. do you think you are? ahead, democrats trying to deflect on the massive crime search as president biden visit america s deadliest city. we ll tell you where that is.