a moment. coma is now planning to extend his committee s critical investigatiol n into joe biden and his family s lucrative employment at penn biden center that mysteriously coincided with upends lucrative relationship with the communis t party of china during biden s employment at loop in tendste and tens of millions of dollars, we believe. sixty seven up to date fromersiy china pouring into.t the university at the very same time, hunter biden wasit the beneficiary of a very lucrative deal with a chinese energy company. and can you believe it.?at biden s private office upend the biden center made possible. by the communist party of tha china. you can t make that up. thatou is exactly whereed top secret classified obama era documents turned up.mplete but years later, we have full, complete details. grea at specificity. breaking news coming up now. tonight, we are witnessing a white house in full crisis mode. they are panicking in the westk wing tonight. biden visibly shaken a
documents that existed thatk on request was granted. they put a padlock on it. the fbi then instead of just knocking on the door and saying, can we go back in the room? no, they raideom, d mar-a-lago. they seized the documents by force. they had unfettered access previously in that room. no need for that. s in september, biden berated former president trump, called him irresponsible on 60 minutes , then novemberr6 2nd, six days before the allthe important midterms, a trove of i top secret classified documents. they were found to biden s thofficeprivate office and the s notified. then it wawas no subsequent raid at biden s private offices or home. and biden and garland and biden s doj said nothing t to you. the american people, information you should have had before the election. two weeks later, november 18 , merrick garland appoints a special counsel to onlynot jo investigate donald trump, not joe biden. it wasn t until today that garland appointed a special counsel to investigate bi