beaches, this year. from the fly pasts to the beaches, this summit - year. from the fly pasts to the beaches, this summit was i year. from the fly pasts to the i beaches, this summit was designed year. from the fly pasts to the - beaches, this summit was designed to beaches, this summit was designed to be a showcase of cooperation among liberal democracies around the world. that has proved something of a challenge closer to home. and james joins us now. the prime ministerjuggling these final g7 meetings ahead of a big lockdown decision. yeah, absolutely. officials are making clear no final decision has been made. the prime minister will leave from cornwall today and go back to london for meetings on this issue, and then also meetings tomorrow before that decision is made, but it is clearly pointing in one direction toward some kind of delay of the lifting of the final restrictions. the key phrases the prime minister and ministers have been using in the last 2a hours is caution and