Nine retiring members from Rajya Sabha, including Dharmendra Pradhan, Narayan Rane, Ashwini Vaishnaw, Mansukh Mandaviya, Bhupendra Yadav, Parshottam Rupala, Rajeev Chandrashekhar, V Muraleedharan, and L Murugan, were recognized for their distinguished service and leadership in steering their respective ministries towards progress.
Fondly remembering the contribution of retiring members from the Rajya Sabha, Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar on Thursday said the wisdom shared by them would be greatly missed and their departure would leave a void.
Fondly remembering the contribution of retiring members from the Rajya Sabha, Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar on Thursday said the wisdom shared by them would be greatly missed and their departure would leave a void.
Under the new laws, the charge sheet will have to be filed within 90 days and the court can give permission for another 90 days upon situation. The probe would have to be finished in 180 day and sent for trial