The Congress on Friday launched its 'Youth Manifesto' for the Uttar Pradesh assembly polls. Titled ‘Bharti Vidhan’, it promises 20 lakh job opportunities and lays out the party’s vision for the youth in the state.
Polling for the 403-member Uttar Pradesh Assembly is scheduled to be held in seven phases from February 10 to March 7 and the counting of votes will be held on March 10.
Congress releases youth manifesto ahead of Uttar Pradesh Elections 2022 - Details Inside - Polling for the 403-member Uttar Pradesh Assembly is scheduled to be held in seven phases from February 10 to March 7
Breaking her silence over who will be the partys chief ministerial candidate in Uttar Pradesh, Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Friday dropped enough hints that she would be spearheading the Grand Old Party s challenge in the .