The Gujarat High Court on Wednesday asked a resident of Ahmedabad claiming claimed to be a mediaperson, a "whistleblower" and a third-year law student who had approached it with a complaint about noise pollution during garba, to report the matter to the police.
Bose was personally requested by Mahatma Gandhi to paint the posters for the annual Congress in Haripura village of Gujarat in 1937 and two earlier annual gatherings too, as per Vidyapith records.
During the inauguration of the BJP office of Dhansura, Modasa, and Malpur mandals of Aravalli district by party chief C R Paatil on Tuesday, Paatil did not leave the opportunity to express "displeasure" among party workers over Bayad MLA Dhavalsinh Zala’s "party-hopping" even as he welcomed his return.