Embark on the cosmic odyssey of Dr. Hashima Hasan, a visionary Indian scientist integral to NASA s groundbreaking James Webb Space Telescope launch. From a childhood fascination sparked by a satellite launch to shaping the forefront of astrophysics, her journey unfolds, illuminating the universe s secrets. This is the remarkable tale of dedication, familial inspiration, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge that propelled Dr. Hasan to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos.
For over a year, there has been no import of Actinium-225, a key radioactive isotope used in cancer treatment, due to the war in Ukraine, leading medical institutions in India to look for less effective alternatives.
A two-day national conference on Mathematics and its Applications II, 2023 (NCMA-2023), organized by the Department of Mathematics at Cotton University, successfully concluded on November 8.