i wanted to put out my first book, disloyal, from the very beginning when we see people like jeffrey berman foolishly acknowledging he wase■ being pressured by maine justice to do what to go after michael cohen. you ll find as i ve said a thousand times, there was no tax evasion. i ve never been audited in my life, e■right? and there was no heloc violation. that s nonsense. i didn t takee1 out the heloc f i had the e■f■heloc on properti for almost 20 years. so, look, a lot of the things that they get clip bates on and the attacks on me,e■ it reallyf dreaming it was really hard for me to stayx■ focused and willing to participate in this. 23 times i have met with the district attorney s office all i can say is this is an important day for america and it s a very important day for the department of you know, for justice and also for accountability. w3■ichael,t(■don t go anywhe. it is just after 6 gí■y■in the east we are encroaching into ari melber s ho
prepare discovery and for those who are anxious and think they 1!u■r■qqhat criminal accountability sooner, it s really important to remember that time is part of what the rulee■ç■ of law means. so people do have to be patient and understand that is whate1 it means to approve the rule of law and uphold american values. what does ite1 mean to americanse1 that a former this way this reminds me very much the conversation that you spearheaded the other night, which is we aree1 joining a numr of countriesç■ñ■ around the glo where people are held to account regardless of whether they are in thex■ highest possible stati, as is the case of israel, orç■