shooting. we got 10 million gun owners, up to 10 million, who owned that particular rifle. because of those 11, we re going to penalize 10 million people. dana: president trump was talking about this. part of the problem that we have is because of beto o rourke s comments. all of the republicans and some democrats are now afraid to do anything. lot of people think this is just way of taking away guns. that s not good. i am a very strong believer in the 2nd amendment. dana: what do you make of that, that perhaps beto o rourke s tactic has pushed democrats to a point where they might not even be able to get something out of president trump because republicans will be so skeptical of the ultimate goal?
but when you get into the particulars of it, all of a sudden, people don t like it very much. the ar-15 is one of the most popular guns in the country. martha: that s for sure. i don t think that s one to be a big winner with the megan people. and what beto o rourke s comments show you, the democrats talk about not wanting to take your guns, beto o rourke a few weeks ago said he s not going to take anyone s gun, and now he said heck yes, i m taking your ar-15. martha: i want to put this up, and then i will get your response. an arizona store has sold out what they call their beto special, the facebook post says there are three and $40.99 sold out. they re working on getting more special deals for our good friend, gun grabber beto. again, to michael s point, the people who are fans of the ar and other weapons that i would call assault weapons, no doubt, they will think, oh, no, they are coming to grab my gun. but for most americans, they think no, you know, we don t need these w
anything, there is no evidence of any of the accusations but simply because he was appointed by president trump. that s why they want him to be impeached. steve: the cover of the new york post today says supreme smear. talks about the miranda divine column. also also there is another one by the editors of the op-ed page. they say the larger motive here is to further blacken kavanaugh s name in service of a political agenda. it is shameless. and it is disgusting. what do you think about it? email us or post us on our facebook. brian: another big story this week as it has the last few weeks this week the reporting is that the president is going to put forward some type of gun reform measures. but beto o rourke s comments at the debate aren t helping. that according to even our next guest coming up or one of our guests coming up senator chris coons a democrat trying to get something done. that will be effective. i take him at his work.
problem with beto o rourke s comments. there are a lot of rural democratic voters in the rust belt who heard beto o rourke s statements the other night and had real pause thinking about a presidential candidate actually saying this from the stage. let s go back to the numbers. wait. wait. rashad 45% of americans are for enforcing the mandate. i want to say something where i agree actually with what senator coons said. if you watch that whole clip where he says he has concerns about beto o rourke he also went on to say that he is pushing some legislation in regards to the background checks that i actually agreed with as a gun owner and owner of an ar-15 i said that is actually common sense that could actually and probably should pass congress. not probably. let s go back to your probably statement. 90% of americans believe we need universal background checks for the last eight years and nothing has really happened on both sides of the equation. go to the number of beto. beto
democratic debate? donald trump motivates everybody to vote. we re going to see a lot of republican congressional candidates run against beto o rourke s comments. absolutely they will. i think a lot, there are so many americans that it just really does epitomize what frustrates a lot of people about congress. and people who don t most people are not going to be the sort of congressional, you know, tacticians that the people around this table are, like senator mccaskill might not be. you re not going to see why it is it s so hard to get this done. all they can see is washington gets nothing. stands in the way and gets nothing done. i think that s the real frustration. it s nothing. up next, a drone attack on a major saudi oil production facility threatens to heighten tensions between the u.s. and iran. i ll ask the number three republican in the house, liz cheney, about that and much more when we come back. woman 1: i had no symptoms of hepatitis c.