going on in california 10. can you tell me about virginia 2. we were just lectured about using numbers to describe districts. careful of using too many district numbers. this engagement. people knew who the candidates you go and be like see beto t-shirts in new york city. also in addition to voter engagement there s candidate engagement. we saw all of these first time candidates putting their name out and running in a way, it s risky to be a first time candidate. it s one thing if you re a state senator or you ve run statewide before. a lot of these people were pediatricians or nurses or army vets or other veterans who had no previous experience. outside organizations were looking at them like the book will be huge on those folks. thank you.
i would argue that s what voters keep saying they want. i mean, you could you know, i sort of look at it and say how does he not run? i see a lot of obama parallels, too, in the sense he has become this empty vessel for empty democrat who is wanted a place to put a place of hope. he offered it to them and he became this vessel. i think he s one of the people that can do both. minus the senate seat though. abraham lincoln proved in 1858 you don t need to actually win. the problem is if you re comparing yourself to lincoln, you need to look in the mirror. all right, guys. thank you very much. that s all we ve got for tonight. good luck with the lincoln compare sons, beto. we ll be back. watch meet the press this sunday. it ll a good one this sunday. have a wonderful holiday weekend. come on in. you re turning 65 soon? yep. and you re retiring at 67? that s the plan! it s also a great time to learn about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan,
president. maybe that s a good reason to run. don t run if you don t want to win. because what happens if you do? i m convinced that bernie didn t necessarily run to win until all of a sudden he could and he wasn t ready to run to win. the team was, but he wasn t. do i think he wins? probably no. but if it s him and the fire s there, go for it. if he doesn t run? what is his next move? the folks who have said he should run in 2020 against john cornyn aren t looking at how unpopular ted cruz is in that state and how that was his shot at winning a senate seat for sure. as a native texan here, beto overperformed like you would not believe. and to me there is a potential path for him. the question is can he sustain that enthusiasm and the phenomenon over a three-year period? he caught lightning in a bolt for one year. can you extend that? that s the toughest. he ran against the advice of everybody conventionally.
york. a lot of people were looking to the midterms on who was going to be the perfect answer what works? moderate or progressive? it depends where you re looking president are you looking at georgia? are you looking for florida? are you looking at arizona? or are you looking at these house races in these suburban districts where somebody who was a little bit boring began prevailing? just look at one in wisconsin. evers. if you can carry wisconsin, you ve carried the presidency. there s the nonsense experience candidate. maybe klobuchar or biden. or is one person able to actually fuse both of those? maybe that is your nominee? that seems to be the two different buckets. beto, sthouhould he run? i mean, run to win? if i were him, i d run to think about maybe becoming vice