Award-winning chef Besele Moses Moloi recently left Sandton's Zioux restaurant to do something he's been dreaming about for years. Hilary Biller caught up with him
Joburg, the Cape and KZN shared the spoils of this year’s national Luxe Restaurant Awards in a ceremony on Tuesday night. The Western Cape was ahead with 12, with Gauteng following with a handsome haul of 10 prizes.
Jozi people dine out, all the time. Yet many in Cape Town, where most of the awards are made and where most of the food media are, refer to Jozi and Gauteng as The North, as though we’re somewhere near Tunis. Perceptions need to change.
It was exhilarating to see Joburg shine as the emerging food capital of the country at the fourth annual Luxe Restaurant Awards. That’s what almost everybody present was thinking, and what ‘The Lazy Makoti’ chef Mogau Seshoene said.