The Delaware Supreme Court on Thursday briefly affirmed a 2021 lower court ruling in insurers’ favor in directors and officers liability insurance litigation stemming from the 2016 merger of a consumer products company.
$295 a month to insure his 2008 Chevy Trailblazer.
Even though he has a good driver discount, the 53-year-old
Detroit resident admits to having a poor credit history, and credit history is typically a big factor in auto insurance rates in
Michigan, especially high-cost urban areas like
$128 a month after switching insurance companies. Man, it s a blessing, said Palmer, who works as a manager at a pizzeria. That s money I can keep in my pocket. I am living check to check.
His new company, a small carrier known as
CURE Auto Insurance or Citizens United Reciprocal Exchange, entered
Michigan last week and is an auto insurance company possibly the only one in
In Berkley Ins. Co. v. Lane, second circuit decides that that, even though some employment transition restrictions may not apply to lawyers, but lawyers must still abide by the rules protecting confidential, proprietary and trade secret information.
Challenging year : Fairfield County office market looks to rebound from pandemic s disruption
In Fairfield County’s third-largest new lease of 2020, Greenwich Education Group signed a lease for about 67,000 square feet at 201 High Ridge Road in Stamford, Conn.Michael Cummo / Hearst Connecticut Media
Southwestern Connecticut’s office leasing was hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, but the market still showed signs of life.
The mixed outlook is detailed in a new report from commercial real estate firm Newmark. While leasing volume plunged last year, Newmark officials argue that major deals brokered in the past few months showed that amid the rise of remote working many corporate tenants still see offices as key to their long-term plans.