It was just a day after Darcel Clark won her contested primary to remain the Bronx district attorney. The event was an evening meant to express appreciation for members of the Benjamin Franklin Reform Democratic Club. But instead, Clark had nothing but appreciation for her voters and supporters.
To the editor:
(re: “Ben Franklin Club gets all judicial delegates,” June 22)
This paper buried the lede with its write-up of the Benjamin Franklin Reform Democratic Club’s successful campaign to kick its competition off the ballot over a typo.
Darcel Clark is running for a third term, emphasizing a balance between public safety and justice. Her opponent, Tess Cohen, is focused on alternatives to incarceration.
To the editor:
(re: “Pols want alternate-side parking rule to clean streets,” May 25)
We are used to seeing stories extolling the virtues of local politicians, celebrities, business owners, and so forth in this illustrious newspaper. But this piece was just too much.
To the editor:
In the past 45 days, our local U.S. Post Office here in Kingsbridge has lost, misplaced or otherwise disappeared three essential pieces of mail entrusted to them, sent to me: A …