Bruhat Bengaluru Hotels Association president PC Rao said, “The Health Minister has issued a statement concerning the use of colours for gobhi manchurian. It stipulates that all food additives complying with FSSAI Regulations/ISI Standards can utilise red, blue, green, and yellow colours within permissible limits.
We have seen examples where people drink just ‘by-two’ (half) coffee and spend an hour after, leaving no space for other customers who are waiting for a long time
Numerous hotel owners have submitted petitions to the city police, asserting that the current closing time does not align with the typical commencement of New Year celebrations around 11:30 pm or 12 am.
The officials led by BBMP Chief Medical Officer (Public Health) Dr Balasundar inspected 280 establishments and issued notices to 167 of them for violating safety norms. They have ordered the closure of 21 pubs, bars and restaurants for violating the norms.