all over the world they re talking about it. the real professionalism. governor, thank you very much. senator, thank you very much. we appreciate it. he s more famous than anybody. i don t like being famous. great leadership. we wanted to explain earlier, this is our department operations center. the benevolence of the federal government, we were able to fund it. so this is obviously in the bottom of the police headquarters and this is where we did all our operational decisions throughout the event. it will be stood up for probably another week. right? 24-hour basis. and all investigative leads, everything you can imagine funnels through here. this is where actually it s joining forces. so we have all the department of
you can put silencers in that kind of weapon. why you would need silencers when you can just use ear plugs. we have now come to apply to events like this and could be a terrorist attack from isis ear red flag. some rage that descented to meet her again. at some level there s a. standing here looking at what this person did is so gastly and horrible and took such a combination of planning and benevolence without any an
your mind has to come out your mouth. some shocking wisdom. it s an important life lesson. p.j., happy to have you share wisdom with us. parenting wisdom, yes. on a more serious note, this is another instinct from someone close to the president. it doesn t exactly speak of a spirit of service or benevolence. i think it speaks of a mistake and possibly a sense of entitlement that ought to be nipped in the bud. i have a feeling that social media has been nipping it in the butt all day. you know, there s there s an awful lot of people out there who go on and on about their sense of public service. we all know most of them are lying. well, there s that. there s that. you guys were here s a poor woman who told the truth. there s something to that.
we know that there was a letter brought from the prime minister to the north korean leader kim jong-un along with a medical doctor because apparently the pastor s health has been failing recently but now he will be under the care of western doctors and get back home to his church just outside of toronto. what north korea could be doing by timing this release at this particular moment is trying to show their benevolence, trying to show they are willing to release somebody on humanitarian grounds. they called it sick veil because this pastor was handed down a life sentence accused of hostile acts against the state. we ve seen that with north korea and other prisoners in the past. the release of the university of virginia student was supposed to be a humanitarian act. of course we know he was tragically in a vegetative state and had been for over a year and died less than a week after returning to his family. there are still three american citizens being held in north korea right now, two
what are you supposed to tell a kid? i would tell my neesz aieces an nephews, don t watch because he s going to say something offensive. and the boy scout speech at the jamboree. russian president putin saying he wants 755 people working in russia, the consulates in russia by september 1st, they re gone. two u.s. compounds will be shut down. this is even before the president goes ahead and signs the sanctions legislation into law. your reaction? yeah, and putin obviously showing a little bit of benevolence, the kremlin saying we re giving them a month to it leave unlike what president obama did when he gave them a few minutes to pack up and leave. a retaliatory measure was to some degree expected by the u.s. there was some surprise russia didn t respond immediately, then