here. you have to remember this is a national airlines, it s not a private company, so the government is responsible for it. also i think our expectations are very high because we re so blessed with having such terrific law enforcement and intelligence and public relation skills here in the united states. my view is that in some cases, and i don t know this, but my sense is that this tragedy, if it is a tragedy, as we believe it is now, exceeded the capacity of the malaysian government to deal with it. so i m not sure there was any benevolence or malfeasance indicated here in confidence, but that it s just different culture in malaysia. i left out a third option, good old-fashioned responsibility. that same satellite communications executive said, look, they wanted to run down leads. it s not a smoking gun. they didn t want to sort of get
region of the world that no actions were taken then and it has taken so long to learn all this? john, you make a very good point. i have to say in hearing these reports, sassuming they are all accurate, i think in the united states, we are quite spoiled by the professionalism of our faa, and our ntsb, and our military and what they do. there are capacity differences if i can put this gently, between the united states and what we re seeing with some of these countries in southeast asia. i think that s the best way. i don t think there is any malfeasance or benevolence involved. i think there is just major differences in the capacities of these different institutions here in the united states and overseas. we are asking them to meet our standards. sometimes we have real challenges this way too. i m sure they are doing the best they can. i think there are differences in
detainees, literally hundreds of them, jenna this is the last group of them made no sense right from the beginning. just think about it. if we had released hardcore nazis prior to the end of world war ii, karzai has had it in his head that by releasing detainees as an act of benevolence this would foster a peace process. that has been a dismal failure. quite the contrary, none of these detainees should be released until there is a peace process and in fact a peace settlement. certainly our troops, while they remain in country and afghans after are at the peril of these killers and thugs to be sure. jenna: you mentioned that we would not release nazis. i m sure that something that resonates with our viewers. we wouldn t. in fact we executed americans that worked with the nazis. how did we allow this to happen? we never should have allowed it to happen but what we did do, we had veto power over any detainee that would be released who we believed was dangerous or
joining me from los angeles and linda, you write about your encounter with as he was known, phil, a couple years ago. how he was this giant on screen. how do you mean? i mean it s sort of a cliche now to think of actors as being much taller than in real life, but this is a man who had such enormous physicality on screen. he was a presence there. you look at the master and he s a physical station of benevolence. he is a 5 10 ish actor and cooperate have been more unassuming. foot foot 10, but took on and owned that role of truman capote as 5 3 . he was an actor s actor.
this explains what is going on with people when they think that libertarians are selfish. if you are on the lefty probably believe that your policies are the only sensible expression of benevolence. you probably think they must disagree with your values and only care of their pocketbooks. that is never really make sense because we have real arguments but also advocacy is cheap. i advocate that we have a 90% marginal tax rate, income over 100,000, if i advocate that it does not cost me anything. if i give money to charity john: governments should have a bigger anti-poverty program. that costs you nothing but you get the warm glow of altruism when you say you advocate that. put your money where your mouth is. does it actually does something. i know your concern. if you re advocating taking income from other people or yourself and that is all you do your not really showing me that you care. john: it is easy to be generous