An application for a proposed gravel mine at Dotsero may return, but it will be a while, and any new application will be changed from the one heard Monday by the Eagle County Board of.
Developers of a proposed gravel mine at Dotsero are taking the proposal to the Eagle County Board of Commissioners. The commissioners are set for a Feb. 5 hearing on the proposal by Rincon Development for.
The Eagle County Planning Commission on Wednesday recommended the denial of a gravel mine operation near Dotsero. The Eagle County Board of Commissioners will have the final say on the application. The five members present.
Photo from Peak Materials
Arguments about the allotment of time for each party to present at the board hearing for the Peak Ranch Resource Project drove the conversation at the pre-hearing conference Wednesday.
The project proposed by Peak Materials is a gravel mine north of Silverthorne. The Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Board will consider the application for the Peak Ranch Resource Project at the upcoming hearing April 21-22 and will decide whether it will approve, approve with conditions or deny the application before it would move on to Summit County officials.
The project has been adamantly opposed by residents in the area, and 58 participants attended the virtual pre-hearing conference.
Photo from Peak Materials Editor’s note: This story has been updated to include accurate information about the location of the Peak Ranch Resource Project.
, including preliminary review comments from the Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety, comments from Summit County and 142 objection letters.
The company is currently in the permitting process with the state. If the permits are awarded, Peak Materials will then have to obtain two permits from Summit County before the project can begin: one to mine materials on the 75-acre Hillyard property, which is about seven miles north of Silverthorne, and one to import the materials to the company’s Maryland Creek Ranch facility about 11 miles south of the mining site.