It was also found that around 70 per cent of people in India suffer from visceral fat obesity. hese findings are based on data from 7,000 healthy and symptomatic individuals who underwent liver screening in the last one year at NURA Health Screening Centre.
World Liver Day is celebrated across the world on April 19 to raise awareness about liver diseases. It focuses on educating people about severity, early detection and prevention of liver diseases.According to studies, globally, about 20 lakh .
World Liver Day is celebrated across the world on April 19 to raise awareness about liver diseases. It focuses on educating people about severity, early detection and prevention of liver diseases. According to the findings of NURA Health Screening Centre, around 70 per cent of people in India suffer from visceral fat obesity and 15 per cent from fatty liver, with men more commonly affected than women. , Health News, Times Now