A tribute for all moms
With Mother’s Day just around the corner, I’d be remiss if I didn’t give my mom credit for all the lessons she taught me. As a mom of a 15 month old, soon to be celebrating my second Mother’s Day, I find this year is no different. Year after year, my mom continually teaches me new things but are just a few of the new and old lessons I learned that helped me in my career and everyday life, that we can all be reminded of.
Gratitude Is Important
. My mom made sure I never took anything for granted. Any small gesture was to be responded to promptly with a thank you. Politeness and good manners were always expected and grace was said before each mealtime. From this, I learned the importance of gratitude and blessings. If I received a gift, I wrote a thank you note back. High school scholarships, yes, I wrote several thank you letters to those committees that picked me. The list goes on. My mom believed in gratitude, and still does. Again, as a
A frequent slogan heard in the outdoor community is “keep public lands public.”
The catchy #KeepItPublic and #PublicLandOwner hashtags accompanying this mantra are heavily populated on social media. Over the last few years, public lands advocacy has gone mainstream. Seizing upon this momentum, outdoor retailer Patagonia, for example, publicly waged war on former President Trump accusing him of being a despoiler of natural resources.
But where are these vocal advocates today when public lands access is actually under attack? (Crickets.)
Public lands belong to us. And efforts by the Biden administration to curb access under the guise of health restrictions or to incrementally ban public land hunting must be countered.