A tribute for all moms
With Mother’s Day just around the corner, I’d be remiss if I didn’t give my mom credit for all the lessons she taught me. As a mom of a 15 month old, soon to be celebrating my second Mother’s Day, I find this year is no different. Year after year, my mom continually teaches me new things but are just a few of the new and old lessons I learned that helped me in my career and everyday life, that we can all be reminded of.
Gratitude Is Important
. My mom made sure I never took anything for granted. Any small gesture was to be responded to promptly with a thank you. Politeness and good manners were always expected and grace was said before each mealtime. From this, I learned the importance of gratitude and blessings. If I received a gift, I wrote a thank you note back. High school scholarships, yes, I wrote several thank you letters to those committees that picked me. The list goes on. My mom believed in gratitude, and still does. Again, as a