in our lifetime. if it passes, it would create a fundamental change in the way the united states views and treats marijuana. our drug laws in this country as a whole need a revolution of common sense and compassion. for starters, it would do something scientists have been begging for, reschedule cannabis from schedule one to schedule two controlled substance, much less restrictive. once you make the class of drug schedule 2 you can then research it and find out what are the medical impacts and what can you use it, when does it make sense? so that s what s necessary here. it s so simple. the bill would also mandate more farms to grow research-grade marijuana and allow greater access to it for those in need. including veterans, who would for the first time be able to get a prescription for medicinal marijuana from the va hospitals. and he let s stop the pot hypocrisy. we now have three presidents who have admitted to smoking marijuana.
harmed. their argument is that free speech is only for certain groups of disadvantaged students and not anyone can say whatever they want. that s not free speech according to students - - . unbelievable. those are two really good stories and both [ of them are about speech, i would say. i mm horrified by both, but yous a little bit more for a less obvious reason. facebook has more power than wellesley. i agree. until they re undone by an anti-trust suit we re all begging for,e the idea that, like, a pressure campaign could declare news fake and it s not, you never see it on your facebook feed, kind of ominous. i m already deleting friends start statuses. that s a really good point. bree, we re giving a participation trophy. thank you for joining us. happy friday. we ll be right back. bonus cash back to a few places.
if it passes, it would create a change in the way the united states views medical marijuana. our drug laws in this country as a whole need a revolution of common sense and compassion. for starters, it would do something scientists have been begging for, reschedule cannabis from schedule one to schedule two. you can find out what the medical impacts and when can you use it and when does it make sense. the bill would mandate more farms to grow research grade marijuana and allow greater access to those in need, including veterans who for the first time would be able to get a prescription for medicinal marijuana from va hospitals. we have three presidents who have admitted to smoking marijuana.
audacious marijuana bill proposed in our lifetime. our drug laws in this country as a whole need a revolution of common sense and compassion. for starters, it would do something scientists have been begging for, reschedule cannabis from schedule one to schedule to a much less restrictive schedule 2 substance. once you make it a schedule 2, you can then find out what the medical impacts and then you can use it and when does it make sense. the bill would mandate more farms to grow research grade marijuana and allow greater access to those in need, including veterans who for the first time would be able to get a prescription for medicinal marijuana from va hospitals. we have three presidents who have admitted to smoking marijuana. people in public office all