there s tips. if you spot a story and you re not certain about the u-r-l, a look at the formatting, the pictures used, it asks you if you think this ie a joke. and i m like well, facebook i want you to tell me if it s a joke or not. so in other words msnbc users will be able to decide what s real and what s fake. yes, anybody. you re leeing so far, but we have not heard from you yet, bree. hillary clinton s alma mater wellesley college penned an editorial basically saying that hostility is warrenned to be used against those who say things politically incorrect and offensive. it was in response to criticisms that these students were too weak, wimpy, and feeble-minded after a group of professors tried to block a controversial speaker from campus because they were afraid too many students would be emotionally
harmed. their argument is that free speech is only for certain groups of disadvantaged students and not anyone can say whatever they want. that s not free speech according to students - - . unbelievable. those are two really good stories and both [ of them are about speech, i would say. i mm horrified by both, but yous a little bit more for a less obvious reason. facebook has more power than wellesley. i agree. until they re undone by an anti-trust suit we re all begging for,e the idea that, like, a pressure campaign could declare news fake and it s not, you never see it on your facebook feed, kind of ominous. i m already deleting friends start statuses. that s a really good point. bree, we re giving a participation trophy. thank you for joining us. happy friday. we ll be right back. bonus cash back to a few places.
we re going to try this again because it s fun, it s our top this segment. two panelists, each going to bring the most ludicrous story of the day. this evening, joining us, catherine is managing editor at famous dc. bree pate an reporter for the federalist. i don t know if you know this, buts there s a war on fake news. okay. so there s good news, and that s facebook is working to combat it. the bad news is it s relying on us, the users, to determine what s fake news. so we re going to scroll thou our news feeds, find a story, and if we don t like it we have the ability to report it and say hey, this is false. oh. but do we know what the criteria are they re using? what s fake and what s real?