A four-member committee under the DUSIB chief engineer was constituted to coordinate with government agencies, including the deputy commissioner of police of the district concerned, and prepare an action plan for shifting these people to night shelters. G20 Summit 2023: More Than 1,000 Beggars in Delhi’s Kashmere Gate ISBT Area To Be Shifted to Night Shelters in January.
The first inception meet of Women 20 (W20) as part of India s presidency of G20 will be held in the city on February 13-14, 2023. The Women 20, an official G20 engagement group, was set up in 2015 to ensure gender considerations figure in G20 discussions. G20 Summit 2023: Five Caves at Ellora World Heritage Site in Maharashtra’s Aurangabad To Be Illuminated by ASI Ahead of Event.