Croak and Dagger, the New Mexico chapter of the Sisters in Crime mystery writers organization, welcomes The Doyenne of Death® Gail Rubin as the speaker at their September meeting. The meeting takes place this Tuesday, September 26 at 7:00 p.m. at the First Unitarian Church at 3701 Carlisle Blvd. NE
The first Before I Die Tucson event takes place this Sunday, April 16, which is also National Health Care Decision Day, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. This free event (a $5 donation is suggested) will take place at The Loft Cinema, 3233 East Speedway, Tucson, Arizona. Learn more at
What is a Shared Death Experience?You may have heard about Near Death Experiences (NDEs), when someone’s body is clinically dead for a period of time. The person’s consciousness leaves the body and travels to mystical realms before returning to life in the body. A Shared Death Experience (SDE) is when
The Albuquerque Death Cafe was to take place at Historic Fairview Cemetery this Sunday, October 16, to discuss death among the tombstones. However, the weather forecast is cold and rainy (rare for Albuquerque). We will instead hold it online through Zoom and stay warm and dry at home.The objective of