To covering congress. Today in the Senate Lawmakers will debate the nomination of eileen cannon to be u. S. District court judge for the Southern District of florida. Votes are expected at noon eastern. Now live to the floor of the senate here on cspan2. The president pro tempore the senate will come to order. The chaplain, dr. Black, will open the senate in prayer. The chaplain let us pray. Eternal master, we honor you for your glory and strength. Your glory fills us with reverence and your strength inspires us with courage. Bless our lawmakers. Inspire them to find fulfillment in the splendor of holiness. Lord, remind them that you expect people of faith to illuminate the darkness of this world with exemplary actions that prompt people to glorify you. May our senators remember that their conduct, particularly during times of adversity, has longterm consequences. Lord, we praise you that you continue to rule our universe. We pray in your awesome name. Amen. The president pro tempore p
[laughter] guest i think we have so little perspective on this moment that it is quite impossible to say. I think the perception that many people in the United States and, of course, also around the world have that this is an extraordinary uni shall time is something that we are in a time out of time will be a curiosity in the future. People will look back and wonder about that very sense i think it is kind of an interesting phenomenon. I think that will be studied. Host when you think about today, do you compare it to any other period in history . Guest no, you know, as a historian, im interested in analogies. I think we have a cognitive tendency to enjoy analogies to find one thing to be like another, all the time, just in the same way, you know, im the kind of person that sees likenesses in family members. I look at a new baby and say oh that looks just like great grandma so and so. But at the same time, even as i say that, i recognize that a lot of that is my need for familiarity.
Already voted early. If you have not yet, now is your chance to make your voice heard by dropping off your valid valid or voting in person on election day. Workis our democracy at and we can never take it for granted. Our men and women in uniform fought and died defending it. Generations of euros from suffragettes and civil rights icons like john lewis to ordinary americans whose names we will never know with everything to make our countrys promised real for everybody. That is not over. Today there are plenty of politicians trying to make voting harder instead of easier but it will not work. Thanks to the heroes who came before us, we all have a say in our future. We have to do is devote is vote. In this election you will choose the kind of country you want for yourself and your family. Do you want leaders who unite us or divide us . This is america. You get to decide. Do not let anyone try to tell you otherwise. Endeds not a typical year is not going to be a typical Election Night eit
Now were well off those worst levels as tyler and kelly were discussing financials and industrials are in the green tech though does continue to lag even though it is bouncing back. Sara, were well off the lows but in the red just about. And in the red for the week which breaks the five week win streak plus, turning the page well speak with Mark Thompson whose tenure comes to a close as of tuesday that stock climbed more than 400 under his leadership. And the ceo of Hawaiian Airlines will join us after his company scrapped change fees and hawaii struggles with increasing covid19 cases mike santoli tracking the selloff and the come back in the market josh lipton has details on a volatile day for apple and joining us to break down the moves in technology, dan niles from april hl one capital. Start us off here on the Broader Market and what you think is important. Yeah. Sara, a pretty good little day and a half rinse that we got from the highs on wednesday. Look at the s p 500 in the shap
We can and hold these families in our prayers. Thank you. Back live now on capitol hill where the House Appropriations committee is returning from its lunch break. They continue work on 2021 a spending bill. Live coverage here on cspan2. Mistaken at the best of times. They are unconscionable in the midst of a pandemic. I want to remind my colleagues that foodstamp spending is a powerful anti recession tool and has previously been estimated that for each dollar spent from benefits a dollar 70 is generated in economic activity. Let me say thank you again to chairman bishop, Ranking Member and their leadership and other areas of the bill. Their strong investments to ensure the continued availability and safety of the nation food supply as well as language designed to protect the health and safety of workers in our meatpacking plants and our poultry plants as well as the farmworkers who are out in the field every single day. I thank you very, very much that all of the attention youve paid