electionser. according to quinnipiac, only 26% of hispanics now approve of biden s performancen in the f white house and gallup foundou that biden is also hemorrhaging supportt among young voters. only 39% of generation and 41nd percent of millennials approve of joe biden tonight . bad poll numbers are just the beginning of biden s problems this week. president biden, you ve perhap seenen this looked lost andoo confused and at one point he attempted to shake hands with someone who wasn t there and duringngre the speech, joe biden claimed that he used to be a full professor at the university of pennsylvania. th watch this . i ve beenis impressed. i ve been a lot of university campuses and in fact for yearsty i was a professor at the university of pennsylvania th anhis is really impressive place. yeah. yeah. that sea n justot not true . however, at one pointty the university did pay biden almost a million dollars to be b
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