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Tasakaalukeskuse hingamisterapeut ja “Hinga ja ela!” raamatu autor Monika Palm sõnab, et päikeses on tohutu energia ja vägi, mis on kõigele olevale eluks vajalik.
about the investigation. eight lines. and everything else is hearsay, innuendo, rumor, gossip? it s inconclusive, certainly. so when we get into this event today in the process we start talking about the process. were you surprised to see mr. berke get out of his chair and move to the seat and sit down next to the chairman and start asking questions? i don t know if i was surprised or not. well, i tell you i was. and it looks like mr. berke has disappeared. and so that s one of the outrageousha things about this process. it s beenis outrageous from sta to finish. we ve seen prejudice and bias against the president from start to finish. we have the lion s share almost two-thirds of the members of the democrats have already voted to impeach at least once. and that s been anything with regard to this july 25th telephone conversation ever took place. and we are left with a constant view that on november 9th, 2016, representative green from texas
happen and we need to go in that direction. i don t think that s the case. judge jeanine: colonel hunt, final word on this thing. you seem you are the recipient of many medals including distinguished service cross asel well. and i know you don t y like talking about this. but you found that their taking his medals to be one of the most outrageous things about this case. this guy has beenis charging him with premeditated murder. you are so offended by that, tell us why? 30 years of service, 18 years of fox, never heard of it! what you do after you ve done the action to get you the medal, has nothing toet do with the day you get the medal. it shows that the united states army was really going after this guy, to take after they said after they had two boards that they found nothing wrong, is terrible. it s never done.
candidates i think republican primary voters the people who will be watching this debate will have a hard time seeing him as ready to be president of the united states. i really do disagree. i don t think they want you know minutia and specifics from him. but ronald reagan they got that kind of thing from jimmy carter and they went the other way. after ronald reagan failed to win the nomination in 1976 he spent years studying foreign policy studying and let me tell you, he may have been a democrat long before he became a republican nominee for president, but donald trump is no ronald reagan. the other thing, this is no longer ronald reagan s america. this america is more diverse, younger, and, you know, i don t understand how you re just going to preach to the choir without realizing the congregation has changed. so i appreciate the ronald reagan analogies, but donald trump is not ronald reagan. well the choir has beenis going