For a second, and never entered my mind that we would be in danger. Its hard to even imagine that someone could be so evil. At last, his dream had come true. New wife, stepdaughter, a whole new start. Almost an Instant Family for him. It seemed perfect. Thats what made what happily so baffling. An otherwise healthy 40year old man usually does not drop dead. Could this be murder . There were suspicions from the start, and they came from his wife. You believe theres a possibility that your husband was poisoned. Yes, sir. Who could have wanted him dead . Elise zeroed in on someone at work. He was initially very angry at that. Angry enough to kill him . Was his new wife in danger, too . Brace yourself, because this killer was stone cold evil. This has got me shaking. Sh welcome to dateline. Frank rodriguez was a man of faith and a navy that who dedicated himself to helping needy children. Not exactly the kind of guy who had many enemies. So investigators had a challenge on their hands figu
So youre the protector, and you are an 11 years old . The only thing i wanted to do was protect them. He stood behind a closeddoor, clutching the bat, ready to fight back. And i was like, the first person to come through here. Im hitting. Going out fighting. I want to try. The boy could hear the voices of two men in the hallway. They eventually started banging on the door. It felt like they were trying to get in. He says he started cursing at the intruders, using every bad word he could think of. Then i could hear all of a sudden, another set of footsteps. In the upstairs. Start running. And then, eventually, i heard. You know. She has a gun. And then, the boy heard a series of gunshots. A breathless , dialed 911. Someone came to my house and my mom up. But the boy was saying was Something Like out of a movie. As first for the Small Town Police department. Early rescue, you are needed that. That michaels residence. Im not really sure whats going on. What had happened inside the roberts
Twist after twist. Instant panic. Instant, instant panic. I still get chills. People have secrets. People have a lot of secrets. The family that lived in this cozy house on this quiet street never came back after the awful thing that happened here. Its terrifying. Its terrifying to think of. It was april 10th, 2008. Portsmouth, virginia, Police Sergeant Robert Mcdaniel was right nearby when the all Points Fullerton went out to Law Enforcement. And then the call comes out and its literally one block away from where im standing. Did the address ring a bell . It did and it didnt. All he knew was that someone had been killed inside that house. So, you go there and what do you discover . I went into clear the house out of anybody who was inside of the house to make sure this Scene Status Pristine as possible. And when i looked down, i realized, then, that it was meghan. Meghan landowski the teenage victim was someone he knew. He knew her whole family. It was her stepfather, chris, who found
i see her laying there, my dad is kneeling. that was the first time i had ever seen him cry. they had a tumultuous marriage. they would be yelling and maybe slamming doors. according to him he sees lisa with a gunshot wound to the head. so initially it s ruled a suicide. her sister went to the missouri state highway patrol to express their belief that this, in fact, was a murder. she had been having an affair with her boss. the prosecutor says, after he shot his wife, he washed his hands and washed his forearms. the coldest back in the room and started the trial. i thought they made one of the worst mistakes i had ever heard of. it was obvious there was something that just wasn t right. the only thing i ever wanted was for everyone to hear the truth. i told him that i would fight with everything i had in me. that is the promise i made. hello, and welcome to dateline. for many, the holiday season is a special time, but for the jennings family, one chr
an unspeakable site. when i started up the stairs, there was blood on the walls. it was a very brutal crime scene. it was one of the worst i have ever seen. a loving couple dead. was the killer one of the family? they said, they arrested matt. and i said, who? and he said, our cousin mapped. and blew it away but this case was not solved. one tiny clue did not fit at all. the inscription said that love always who is blind and who is the trail would leave hundreds of miles away to a chilling piece of evidence. that must have been a shocker to have it pretty much sends a chill down your spine. i killed someone. he was older. i loved him. he was scary. as soon as the story, but not even it revealed the whole twisted truth. i know what happened that no one will believe me. this really happening i didn t feel i could feel so much anger. it was late past midnight, when the farmhouse no sign of life. not to them, anyway. he hit