For a second, and never entered my mind that we would be in danger. Its hard to even imagine that someone could be so evil. At last, his dream had come true. New wife, stepdaughter, a whole new start. Almost an Instant Family for him. It seemed perfect. Thats what made what happily so baffling. An otherwise healthy 40year old man usually does not drop dead. Could this be murder . There were suspicions from the start, and they came from his wife. You believe theres a possibility that your husband was poisoned. Yes, sir. Who could have wanted him dead . Elise zeroed in on someone at work. He was initially very angry at that. Angry enough to kill him . Was his new wife in danger, too . Brace yourself, because this killer was stone cold evil. This has got me shaking. Sh welcome to dateline. Frank rodriguez was a man of faith and a navy that who dedicated himself to helping needy children. Not exactly the kind of guy who had many enemies. So investigators had a challenge on their hands figu
these two impatient optimists. frank gech frank gehry has never let population impulse let him defy. i was an outsider from the beginning, he says, so for better or worse, i thrived on it. the child of poor jewish immigrants, frank grew up in los angeles and throughout his life he embraced the spirit of a city defined by an open horizon. he spent his life rethinking shapes and mediums, seemingly the force of gravity itself, the idea of what architecture could be. he decided to up-end, constantly repurposing every material available from titanium to paper towel tubes. he s inspiring our next generation through his advocacy for arts education in our schools. from the guggenheim to chicago s millennium park, our hometown to