Saturday marks the one-year anniversary of Rodney Levi’s death. Levi, 48, was living in "Sunny Corner, N.B. when an RCMP officer fatally shot him while responding to a disturbance at the home.
Marti Winslow, left, receives her shot of COVID vaccine from nurse Brianne Gillman on Thursday at the Dunnstown Fire Hall.
DUNNSTOWN It was a smooth sailing Thursday for those who received either their first or second dose of COVID vaccine at the Dunnstown Fire Co.
For the past few months, UPMC has been utilizing the fire company building in order to administer as many shots as they can to combat COVID in Clinton County a county with one of the lowest ratios of given vaccinations in central Pennsylvania.
A total of 675 shots were scheduled to be administered Thursday, said UPMC Manager Becky Levi.
LOCK HAVEN It seems it wasn’t long ago that locals were complaining there wasn’t enough vaccine coming into Clinton County to vaccinate its residents ag