Relatives of a Ludhiana jail inmate accused jail officials of beating him and breaking his arm, while officials accused the inmate of attacking the DSP. The inmate, Harjinder Singh, is lodged on drug peddling and scuffle charges. The incident has sparked controversy between the inmate's family and jail authorities.
that happen. in addition, on the day today, people are going to class, learning, reading, preparing to graduate and all the things that happen in a normal academic year. is there conversation about, president shafik got at this today. the presentation needs to be about, what is free-speech and what is discriminatory speech. is that a debate that is happening to any and at this point? the irony of this, this is the debate that we have had serially, long before this conflict began. this was a debate of a robust issue that we should be debating on college campuses. of course, the irony of this is that the president was being questioned by congress, which actually has purview over this. it makes legislation give pause. and you know, the supreme court s, which determines by presidents what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. so really, universities are being beaten up. columbia, in particular, being beaten up,
14-year-old boy brutally assaulted by classmates with a wooden stick in Delhi school premises. Main accused apprehended, sparking protests. | Latest News India
India News: Two tribal men have been allegedly beaten up in separate incidents in Madhya Pradesh's Betul district. Seven persons have been arrested in connection with the incidents.