the most recent of whom is he a, the artist formerly known as kanye west, who today announced he was going to purchase parlor. do you know what parlor is the word might invoked the image of a fancy room or a cute little lady sitting in sitting there too from china. but parler is decidedly not that. parler it s a far right fringe, social media platform. and you first might have heard of it around the time of the capital insurrection, january 6th, 2021, because many of the violent rioters, organized on parlor. the podcaster, swisher, that very day ask one of the founders of parler if he felt any responsibility for the death and destruction to which he said this i don t feel responsible for any of this, and neither should the platform considering we are a neutral town square. and it just adheres to the laws. so, if people are organizing something, that s more of a problem of people are upset. they feel disenfranchised. yes, people were upset, and they felt disenfranchised.
a fantastic song, runaway. but kanye s antics have long threaten to overshadow its talents. the first glimmers of which we saw when he jumped on stage, and entered this 2009 video music awards after taylor swift, and beat out beyoncé for best female video. i m gonna let you finish. but beyoncé has one of the best videos of all-time. we all had our opinions about that interruption, including president obama. the young lady seems like a perfectly nice person. she is getting her award. why would he do that? he is a. jack astley is one thing, bigotry quite another. and kanye s interest in buying parler comes just days after instagram and twitter restricted his accounts, in