with facebook, google is twitter to make sure they re working with us on fake news. and third, why do we have 21 states that have their electoral systems at least attempted to be probed by russia, why isn t there a more organized effort, and frankly, let s make all those states come clean. unfortunately, dht may have contacted the election vendors but they didn t even contact officials in some of those states that were attacked. we donal have a whole of government response on the this. that bothers me. it seems like it has been the president who has been so slow the acknowledge the exist tense of this attack and taking it seriously. wave president under investigation by a special counsel on possible cloogs with the sxrugss we have a president who has shown no interest in trying to prevent them from
formula with a payment of 30000 in cash. how was your evening. good. and soon after the cash changes hands, the fbi moved in and arrested the business dht man and the translator. it is not only the chinese countries, but the government as well. with an unstable world, china and russia intelligence services are stepping up their game. and u.s. companies make roip targets. the chinese are challenging the u.s. on multiple fronts. we learned that they will not go after the chinese on the database. and the chinese military has harassed navy jets flying in international waters in the south china seas specifically the islands that china is
later corner ared outside by a female mp and she said lopez held up his hands and he raised the gun to his head and killed himself. and all of his victims were fellow army. three innocent soldiers killed and 16 others with a range of injuries and throw of them critical in the hospital. these people are critically ill and being able to address complex emotional respops attacks time. i have not visited with any of the service dht men. many of them came become and had combat experience. a short time ago, i spoke with the mayor in kileen, texas. and he talked about the men and women who are dealing with
i m feeling tired, weight gain. men don t usually come in. exactly. strong like bull. on the crown? that could be due to deficiencies. i see a lot of hormonal hair loss on the back of the head. this is significant. those men on the back of the head have a greater risk of cardiovascular disease. that s a testosterone issue when you re saying hormone? which hormone. testosterone is a male hormone. females have a little bit of it, too, but that s not the culprit when it comes to hair loss. the testosterone gets involved to what they call dead hair. that s easy to remember. some men are susceptible to the dht which causes the hair to fall out. you know what, carol, with the medications we re giving to prevent that, the levels go too low and that can be dangerous for men. it could increase their risk for heart disease. that s the heart disease connection. exactly. you never want to bring it too low.
usually it s women that come in tired j they try to be strong. exactly. strong like bull. on the crown? that could be due to deficiencies. i see a lot of hormonal hair loss on the back of the head. those back of the head, they have a greater risk of cardiovascular disease. a des toss troen issue? it s really not the culprit when it comes to the hair loss. the testosterone gets involved to what they call dead hair. that s easy to remember. some men are susceptible to the dht which causes the hair to fall out. you know what, carol, with the medications we re giving to prevent that, the levels go too low and that can be dangerous for men. it could increase their risk for heart disease. that s the heart disease connection. exactly. you don t want to bring it too low. what we do for that is that