thank you. and still a powerful storm. it is a big one. millions of travellers hitting the road for thanksgiving. we hear of tornados in the south and we ll give you updates for that and tell you what is going on there. health care for the holidays. and the young americans to make obama care part of the dinner table discussion. what would brian kilmede say approximate that. he was talking about that a short time ago. cran dht berries and dressing. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ho ho ho green giant
use. i believe that opportunity looks a lot like hard work. when i was 13, i had my first job carrying shingles up to the roof and then job washing dishes and then in a grocery store dell dht i and factory sweeping cereal dust and never had a job in my life i was better than. i was lucky to have a job and it was a steppingstone until my next job and i never quit until i had a next job. tunes are like hard work. everything around us that we call life is made up by people that are no smarter than you. (applause) and you can build your own thing. you can build your own life and then other people can live in. build a life, don t live one.
and affordably. life s about having fun. it s about looking good. i mean, 80% of feeling good is looking good. announcer: call hair clubow and get your own head full, thick hair in just four weeks. look younger, feel more confident, put that old swagger back in your step and put some zip back in your love life. call hair club now. getting my hair back was the best thing that ever happened to me. the most common type of hair loss in men is so-called male pattern baldness. d.h.t. causes hair ls by binding to individual hair follicles and essentially shutting down production. those follicles start growing weaker and weaker hairs and eventuly don t grow y hairs at all. announcer: call now for your confidential appointment. we ll give you a free hair and scalp analysis, we ll explain what kind of hair loss you rexperiencing and show you the tted and proven solutions we ll use. remember, there are many different kinds of hair loss anhair club is the only one who can offer you a c
zip back in your love life. call hair club now. getting my hair back was the best thing that ever happened to me. the most common type of hair loss in men is so-called male pattern baldness. d.h.t. causes hair ls by binding to individual hair follicles and essentially shutting down production. those follicles start growing weaker and weaker hairs and eventuly don t grow y hairs at all. announcer: call now for your confidential appointment. we ll give you a free hair and scalp analysis, we ll explain what kind of hair loss you rexperiencing and show you the tted and proven solutions we ll use. remember, there are many different kinds of hair loss anhair club is the only one who can offer you a custized solution based on your unique type of hair loss and expections. gethe head of hair you want and women love in just four weeks. change your life forever. call hair club now. i only wish i hadn t taken so long. that s why i m telling you, do it now. announcer: call now for our f
announcer: call hair clubow and get your own head full, thick hair in just four weeks. look younger, feel more confident, put that old swagger back in your step and put some zip back in your love life. call hair club now. getting my hair back was the best thing that ever happened to me. the most common type of hair loss in men is so-called male pattern baldness. d.h.t. causes hair ls by binding to individual hair follicles and essentially shutting down production. those follicles start growing weaker and weaker hairs and eventuly don t grow y hairs at all. announcer: call now for your confidential appointment. we ll give you a free hair and scalp analysis, we ll explain what kind of hair loss you rexperiencing and show you the tted and proven solutions we ll use. remember, there are many different kinds of hair loss anhair club is the only one who can offer you a custized solution based on your unique type of hair loss and expections. gethe head of hair you want and women lov