Youre going to put pressure on the economy. When i look at the things that the government does, i see regulations that say the haze regulation is being implemented in the west. You cant see the difference in the haze in the air. You have to have a computer to measure it. But using that regulation, goal miners being sent make 60,000 a year. And they are going to then be on assistance level. Do yall put out a fact sheet that says if you increase minimum wage, burger king is going to put kiosks in. So the poor people are never going to get into the labor market so the gap is going to increase because we have sent those jobs out of america that are on the low end of the scale that allow people to e get into the workforce. So i wonder if you all do that because if you are in charge, it seems like youd put out a fact sheet so people sitting on this side of the desk could actually have some idea of what effect policies would have. I guess the answer is no they dont put out a fact sheet. Not o