Bathinda/Jalandhar/Kaithal: There were tense moments between protesting farmers and BJP activists in Punjab and Haryana on Friday when functions held to mark the 96th birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Atal BihariVajpayee became venues of protest. The main events where there was disruption, and even minor scuffles, were held at Punjab’s Bathinda, Jalandhar and Hoshiarpur and Haryana’s Kaithal.
In Bathinda, situation turned tense when a score of farmers broke police barricades and barged into an event organised by the BJP. The saffron party had to wind up the programme midway as the farm activists allegedly vandalised the venue and damaged chairs. The BJP activists held a protest against farmers, who are protesting against the three farm laws brought by central government, and even burnt an effigy of the state government. Bathinda SSP Bhupinderjit Singh Virk rushed to the spot to diffuse the situation as the police had a tough time in controlling situation.