[ cheers and applause ] greg: i know, i know. grade, great, to greg, greg. greg: enough i know it s hard to want what you can t have. happy wednesday. as a heat wave continues in the east so hot in dc biden s temperature got into the single digits. the ap claims at a fundraiser president biden didn t freeze on stage but that he paused first 7 seconds. that s another way to say the same thing next time i get ice cream at the supermarket i go to the paused food aisle. most hispanic support deportation of illegal immigrants that s 1 way to get rid of your mother-in-law. a study ranked san fran as the worst run city so awful that alcatraz is offering tours of san francisco. james carville says he bets trump is a no-show at the debate if he loses the debate he pays a hundred dollars if he wins he gets his ring back from frodo. nationwide insurance dropped coverage for 100,000 american pets not my problem said 1 woman to climate activists desecrated the stone henge monument w
but no. hink but don t you dare think ofvg moving them from your yard the.m that s mean. what about their rights to camp on the stree t where they get sick, spread disease, overdose and die? overworries that only be replacd by new ones. right. so you can still feel prettyes when you give them five bucks. doesn t that feel great when your subsidize behavior? and of course, you ll get more of it. ofe yo you re visiting this area anyway. meanwhile, law abiding had to give up years of their life during covid shutdowns cov. n but these folks could in theof p middle of park avenue as longm t as wasn t on a blm street mural. remember how meanre. re wast sa the question where covid came from? thah, don t say china. a country that ties ten year olds to a work bencath 15 hours a day without a en break. so you could have a fitbit to count your steps. a freedom. o better to blame some nameless peasant who got freed bowl of hot and sour bat
bat soup so we can pull an impeachment hearing against the meanest man on earth outside of me donald trump. boy was he mean, demanding we stop being victims. gross. don t you dare demand punishment from the smash and grabbers who caused stores to close in minority neighborhoods for good. they have to feed their kids. have you ever tasted a louis vuitton bag? it melts [laughter] greg: it melts in your mouth. roll it. and so they go out and they need to feed their child and they don t have money, so you maybe have to they re put in a position where they feel like they either need to shop lift some bread or go hungry that night. greg: she s got a real head on her shoulders. too bad it s filled with kitty litter and cat [bleep]: but, you know unfair. see, i m mean. i m very mean. but at least for her, tending bar was an honest living and
work to find out who did it let s not do t. i get that is the feeling. will this is going to being this is going to be take years. forget about temperature why i don t think so. i think china did temperature covered it up and everybody knows it. but we don t want to official low find out if that would be invoenlt. and that would have a legality of consequences. it is like a trophy wife when pretends not to know her billionaire husband is cheating on her. she will have to give up her lifestyle itch saw the texts from the housekeeper left night was hot they are talking about the bat soup they were making. yes. [laughter]. then they have to do something about temperature we don t want to do that. we don t want to do that, joe. you any anybody will be arrested if you hit member in the street and hit their head you would go to jail. 12 min. drop in the bucket t. is absurd
we are supposed to act like the wuhan virus escape friday the wuhan virology facility. we are sfoepzed to be shocked boy that. i don t know, i think the good news we can enjoy our bat soup againful i would stay away from that albino mouse appetizer. that is a problem. no one is going to pay for this than i will try to act like and we see it now with the closing the schools and trying to do low visionist history no we wanted everyone to come back. her life is so bad she is anything to ukraine for rest am e. i m not joking. waler. a, you are a journalist would you believe this report? i read other reports that great book by that dude rig low. i thought was good and also said points to this what do you snng i will be honest and not be