but no. hink but don t you dare think ofvg moving them from your yard the.m that s mean. what about their rights to camp on the stree t where they get sick, spread disease, overdose and die? overworries that only be replacd by new ones. right. so you can still feel prettyes when you give them five bucks. doesn t that feel great when your subsidize behavior? and of course, you ll get more of it. ofe yo you re visiting this area anyway. meanwhile, law abiding had to give up years of their life during covid shutdowns cov. n but these folks could in theof p middle of park avenue as longm t as wasn t on a blm street mural. remember how meanre. re wast sa the question where covid came from? thah, don t say china. a country that ties ten year olds to a work bencath 15 hours a day without a en break. so you could have a fitbit to count your steps. a freedom. o better to blame some nameless peasant who got freed bowl of hot and sour bat
pu one undert one under the tree t, complete with a few outfit changes. and each version complete with a few outfit changes and each version of o th also hade her doll own had its little own storybook storybook that accompanied it that accompanied. wewell,ll moms, acrossmo ameria beforecross america, before you think of shelling out what i yous it ove thinkr ofa g out over,d whatbu is it,cks or a hundred bucks forfor a a mad well, fo mader little in america doll? s uziewell,, forwell little suzy know a few things , i know fia fewrs things. t.first, mattel manufactures them i them inn china. okay,ch second,ina. okay? second, the toy maker is now using its brand to pro the toymr is now using its brand to promote transgenderism transgenderism to little kids. its stor to little kids. it sy book storybooks discusss s delays how to delay puberty with hormone blockers and instructs puberty e blockers and instructs on waysn to keep information from to keep information from parents. canparent